I was one of the worst Strat addict here, still i had to took a break (from crpg as well) now i'm returning to do some battles and crpg. The problem is that there isn't really an alternative for me, other games are boring, probably because i like to play with my clanmates and crpg is the only game that everyone shares.
No offense to developers i appreciate their work and we can't really pretend anything since we are getting this great mod for free, but on strat, the amount of time and effort needed to assemble a decent army and doing things right, and the clumsy rules and interface make most players unable to partecipate.
Game is getting older and old bugs and problems are still here, while everything is more difficult to do then strat 1.0.
Also the battles especially in the first half of this strat were bugged as shit and battle screen is always flooded by fake or naked battles. Just some of the many things that is turning us down. Not to mention the wispread multiaccounting