Please guys this is bullshit. HS from throwing lance to my cataphract took 55% hp away, but what is funny, 1 hit of 1h weapon to the legs of my horsie took the same dmg.... C'mon! Don't tell me that HS from throwing lance = 1h hit to legs... If so, I want infantry which gets hit into legs to stop moving and archers who are hit into hands to stop shooting. My Cataphract for which I pay over 3100 upkeep simply dies from 1 danish hit, just as rouncey, but rouncey is faster and more maneuverable. What is important, is that the armour of the heavy horses is down to their fucking ankles and it means it is easier to kick the legs of the horsie than hit them with a weapon, but on the server every under-head attack to the horsie is counted as leg-hit...
Do something about it. Heavy horses die like flies and they aren't worth their price. What is good is that they look awesome but that's all. Ofc bump dmg is nice as well but while charging straight, you risk a loss of the horse.
PS. today I hit a very strong 2h guy 3 times while I was on around 70% speed and after he survived 3 stabs of +1 heavy lance, he 1-hitted me with Highland claymore.
Until I hit a footmen to the head with H-lance, he won't die from 1 hit. I really think that the difference between lance and heavy lance are just ridiculous. 10 more length by sacrifice of 4 dmg and 11 speed rating... There is some kind of lack of sense. Also other, even not so strong chars survive a lot. Have forgotten to say that I had 61 body armour on me and 18 str and 3 IF...
I know you will all say that cav is already op and bla bla and EZ mod and bla bla - bullshit. Nowadays heavy horses are dying like flies, you need to hit sb 2 times with heavy lance to kill him ( it's not that hard to hold bottom block to be honest ). In fact 80% kills of cav are thx to cavs' intelligence and choosing the proper way (ofc all the backstabs are included in that 80%) the rest of the kills are lucky or spawnkills...
I don't give a fuck on archery, just do sth with heavy lance or just delete this horsies-naked-legs thing please... hitting horsie to the head with a good weapon equals hitting to the legs with shit and currently when the angle of attack is low, it's not that hard to move aside and just swing, because your effective range at that angle will be better.
Sorry for emotions.
Yours faithfully,