Author Topic: autobalance is awful  (Read 5623 times)

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autobalance is awful
« on: April 04, 2012, 08:30:51 pm »
autobalance is awful, fix it please it's not fun being forced to choose between piling on a banner or getting destroyed every round of every map

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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 08:37:45 pm »
Are you now just noticing that it's awful?

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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2012, 08:50:07 pm »
Its fine, whiners gonna whine.

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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2012, 08:51:12 pm »

Too easy for people to just use a banner of a clan that they see a lot and stack a team...
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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2012, 08:53:50 pm »
autobalance is awful, fix it please it's not fun being forced to choose between piling on a banner or getting destroyed every round of every map
Then join a clan and stop crying about it
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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2012, 09:08:26 pm »
i dont think balance is bad cause of clan stacking anymore, i havent seen a clan roll in a server in a long time.

the main problem i have is one team getting all the ranged/cav and then destroying the other team cause of that advantage which happens more often that i would like.
a class based balanced system would be nice imo (maybe based on your crpg skills? ie 3points in riding classes you as cav and you get balanced as such)

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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2012, 09:13:47 pm »
i dont think balance is bad cause of clan stacking anymore, i havent seen a clan roll in a server in a long time.

the main problem i have is one team getting all the ranged/cav and then destroying the other team cause of that advantage which happens more often that i would like.
a class based balanced system would be nice imo (maybe based on your crpg skills? ie 3points in riding classes you as cav and you get balanced as such)

This all the way. Getting really tired of seeing 11 cav on one team, and the other have 2, or the same with range.
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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2012, 09:32:37 pm »
i dont think balance is bad cause of clan stacking anymore, i havent seen a clan roll in a server in a long time.

the main problem i have is one team getting all the ranged/cav and then destroying the other team cause of that advantage which happens more often that i would like.
a class based balanced system would be nice imo (maybe based on your crpg skills? ie 3points in riding classes you as cav and you get balanced as such)
100% agree.  I like being balanced by banner, but not at the expense of both teams having relatively the same amount of classes.  And one suggestion change, don't go based only on the skills, lots of people have riding but don't ride a horse.  I think it should be based more on what you have equipped in your loadout (if it's possible to easily obtain that information server side and throw it into an algorithm).

Another great suggestion (that has been suggested at least a dozen times before) that will be ignored.  :*(
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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2012, 09:45:08 pm »
dunno about na, but un on eu we have a cav clan called gk, they all get balanced together and they all all cav is on the same team

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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2012, 09:46:46 pm »
dunno about na, but un on eu we have a cav clan called gk, they all get balanced together and they all all cav is on the same team

I think it should try to balance by banner, but the most important thing to balance should be that classes are relatively even on both teams (same amount of ranged, same amount of polearms, same amount of 2h, same amount of melee cavalry, same amount of ranged cavalry), etc.  If not that specific, than at minimum balanced by 3 generic classes, infantry, ranged, cavalry.
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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2012, 10:05:12 pm »
dunno about na, but un on eu we have a cav clan called gk, they all get balanced together and they all all cav is on the same team

There's also only one cav clan in EU (making this class unbalance worse), and it's not like GK has all the pro cav either. Kerrigan, Chagan and sometimes musashi are really good, but you still have oberyn, tommy, leed, torben, royanss... in other clans. Also, the GK team is destroyed whenever the enemy has a proper reaction (not spreading out, and grabbing the pikes) or when the map isn't cav friendly.

I don't think the GK have a so great W/L ratio, it's only the perceived effect of cav spam that makes the enemy melee unhappy. Also, they happen to work as a team, usually unlike the enemy. When the byzantium clan rocks the server, the exact same thing happens, and it's both because of player skill and a superior organisation.

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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2012, 10:22:30 pm »
in NA we have the cavaliers. But that is like 7 people on at the same time at max, usually just 2 or 3 on at a time if any.
We Have GG which is really just smoothrich and badplayer and tydeus on cav
although we have those times when 10 really good cav (from different clans) will all choose the same banner to be balanced together, and roll everybody that doesn't stick together. It's horrifying to pub play. The rounds last a minute or so and maps change fast. However, that happens maybe once a week for like 30 minutes at max on NA. Rare, really.


I honestly like the current balance system, it isn't as bad as most people put it out to be, it usually results in pretty close games. The problem is that it isn't always even AND NEVER WILL BE. Generally, what people suggest to fix it would either result in even worse balance (class-based instead of skill based system, etc, etc).
What people don't understand is that cRPG is so incredibly volatile as a a battle system. If One good player does good one map, but misses a block/gets hit by an arrow and dies the next map right away -- the entire team's fighting potential is permanently changed for that round. It causes a cascade effect of who he WOULD have killed suddenly being alive and able to kill OTHER people. multiply that by 20 people vs 20 people (for a representation of a smaller scale battle) and you can see how balance systems are going to be incredibly fucked up all the time.
The thing is, when one team gets rolled horribly twice in a row, if they stick together and play safe they almost ALWAYS roll the other team in reverse -- even when people say it is "clan stacked" "banner stacked" etc.

I don't know. Making it a class based balance system (infantry/ranged/cavalry) would make the distribution of classes more even, more bland. If you make it balance based on classes it has to balance based LESS on individual effect to the team. Ie; 2 good cav  + 2 good infantry + 3 decent archers vs 2 decent infantry + 2 bad cav + 3 decent archers. We know how that will end up. If it had distributed them based on impact into the game (what it currently does after the INITIAL first round' banner balance) it would result in a more balanced game... what we currently have (and by god what we currently have isn't good)

The problem is you guys are looking for an algorithm that can't exist to really fix this more than what we already have. if one team is unbalanced, it will put more people on one side to even it -- move an influential player to the other side to make it even. What we have is sadly, really the best option. cRPG is volatile.

tl;dr  Nobody has suggested anything better than what we currently have, and I don't know if anyone ever will. Banner balance was implemented and resounded happily by everybody for a long time for a simple reason: We like to be able to play with our friends. When it gets turned off for any amount of time, people start to complain WAY MORE about not being with friends than they do about the slight balancing of the FIRST ROUND...
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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2012, 10:24:48 pm »
When the byzantium clan rocks the server, the exact same thing happens, and it's both because of player skill and a superior organisation.
I call bullshit, everyone knows byzantinum don't use anything but the basic tactic/teamwork to blob up, and they don't even always do that, problem is byz getting a shitload of medium-insane players, while other team just gets two shitloads of randoms... and whenever you actually feel what I've decided must be named "byz-rape" is when half the enemy team is byz, and the other half is average-slightly above average players whoring on the byz banner.
Yes, I got nothing to say on the topic and am just posting this quick offtopic observation...
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2012, 10:28:04 pm »
I love how everyone always think we win because of teamplay and tactics.

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Re: autobalance is awful
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2012, 10:32:21 pm »
its not really the clans i mind, its the people using their banner to win matches when they aren't in that clan...that happened a TON with DL a little while back .

they would come in and use some teamwork to win siege, great!  but then others seeing them winning would just go "oh, use their banner, PROFIT!
even though they were not in DL....

thats the annoying part
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