If she is your friend, and you want her to be your girlfriend then you have made a massive mistake. That never, EVER works and I'm not trying to put you down. Be yourself, turn your attention elsewhere, and pull in what is looking your way. There will ALWAYS be some chick looking your way even though she isn't on your top of the line list. This chick may come around that way, but if you keep playing the "nice guy shoulder to cry on friend thing", I'm telling you it WON'T work. My best friend was lead on his whole life, trying to show a bitch how he could be better then the trash she dated. Well it took her having a child and being divorced before she called him and said "Hey you were right, I should of been with you" now raise my baby and take care of me. I told him I'd never speak to him again if he did it. No one can make the decision for you but I speak from experience, ditch the feelings. Have you ever had a girl that is so infatuated with you that its a turn off? Well, that works both ways.