They'd hold onto the ball with 12-13 in sheild with their shield up. Walking forward with the unbreakable shield up.
They don't wear armor and have a light shield on it looks like and they gotta have 7 or more ath or more
It doesn't matter if you catch him, you can't surround him, and unless SOMEHOW u can hit behide him or to his side, he isnt gonna die. he can backpeddle faster then you can walk. Alot easier said then done to hit a shielder who isn't going to attack you... they just run with shield up.
I'm thinking their using the 3/38 Build 12 Sheild 7 Ath and being naked. Very fast and cheap. Yes banning them from rageball would be a good choice
But some people also troll with this in other maps.
So if the shield doesn't break when you have say 10ps using a 2hander axe, in ohh... i don't know 20!! hits, There is a problem Put a Cap on it.
It doesn't break the game of course... But it somehow transforms your shield into some godly armor that never breaks, while having 12 in shield or so. And it doesn't seem to matter what sheild you use. I saw people using the first wood crappy ones. No matter your ps or damage it will hardly EVER break