Author Topic: Gold is worhtless  (Read 14711 times)

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Offline BlindGuy

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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #150 on: March 27, 2012, 12:55:01 pm »
Im VERY sry to be the voice of reason:

1. If you quit because of losing multi (with no external factors. Its different to think "Well, Im kinda hungry, gonna make some dinner when I lose this multi") then, IMHO: Fuck off, you arent playing for fun.

2. If you REQUIRE multi to use your fav gear, and actually watch to see what your loosing by using high tier gear even when not on a multi, then, IMHO: Fuck off, you are trying to use too much gear.

In native, much like in Counterstrike and many other games predating Warband expansion to Mount n Blade, you are given a set amount of gold, to customize your starting gear. Each life you can try to improve this gear by killing, winning round etc, so next round you can upgrade. Guess which servers seldom had GOOD players? The ones giving you 5k or something stupid at start: Why? because everyone maxing gear is retarded, doesnt make for positive play, teamwork, effort/reward correlation or fun. This system obviously doesnt work for crpg, since everyone has bought their gear. But the IDEA of rewarding positive play by allowing better gear is SOUND.

Right now I cannot think of a better way to ensure all of YOU dont just slap on plate and grab a greatsword/huge poleaxe round after round. We saw from early crpg that THAT is exactly what 90% of you DO. Reguardless of what your character started out as, as soon as possible you made it into a armoured main battle tank. If you dont like upkeep based system controlling you so you DONT act like a douche endlessly, its simple: Dont be a douche. Check old Taleworlds forum and you will see my old Signature: even at the height of platespam, I wore blue tunic, blue hood, wrapping boots, carried a longbow and a maul, or wore blue tunic and hood, and spammed you all down with a longsword/katana. I fucking LOVED those days. I dont care what armour ppl wear, I will defeat it, because it wont make you a better player, just a slower runner. Then you all cried and cried and AGI got nerfed. Seeing what you all intended, chadz, in his wisdom, introduced the slot system and the upkeep system to stop you all from being the my old friends you all want to be, all in Plate, all the time, just because "I played for AAAAAAGES now can I have a reward reguardless of my actual progress or skill level."

For those of you who REALLY dont play for fun anymore: Single player native, wear what you want and spam down on brainless bots.

If any of you DISSAGREE with what I have written, Prove me WRONG by NOT crying in this thread. Im off to lunch, have a good rage. Egoists.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 12:56:18 pm by BlindGuy »
I don't know enough

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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #151 on: March 27, 2012, 01:50:03 pm »
Well, for me, since upkeep, it´s a constant run for the next retirement.Gold is more of a sidething, not too important for me.

Before, you had actual goals besides retiring or only leveling up: Getting the best gear for you, for example.

This comes natural today because you earn so much gold fast.

Nessaj made an imo really good suggestion: Get the old Gold System back but keep exp like it is now.

I would add to that that exp should stay at a fixed rate/minute So you dont have the multiplier stress.
Maybe it woud be better for me to find out where you life and kill you when you are satch a Soziopath. You have enough now.
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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #152 on: March 27, 2012, 03:46:50 pm »
Im VERY sry to be the voice of reason:

1. If you quit because of losing multi (with no external factors. Its different to think "Well, Im kinda hungry, gonna make some dinner when I lose this multi") then, IMHO: Fuck off, you arent playing for fun.

2. If you REQUIRE multi to use your fav gear, and actually watch to see what your loosing by using high tier gear even when not on a multi, then, IMHO: Fuck off, you are trying to use too much gear.

In native, much like in Counterstrike and many other games predating Warband expansion to Mount n Blade, you are given a set amount of gold, to customize your starting gear. Each life you can try to improve this gear by killing, winning round etc, so next round you can upgrade. Guess which servers seldom had GOOD players? The ones giving you 5k or something stupid at start: Why? because everyone maxing gear is retarded, doesnt make for positive play, teamwork, effort/reward correlation or fun. This system obviously doesnt work for crpg, since everyone has bought their gear. But the IDEA of rewarding positive play by allowing better gear is SOUND.

Right now I cannot think of a better way to ensure all of YOU dont just slap on plate and grab a greatsword/huge poleaxe round after round. We saw from early crpg that THAT is exactly what 90% of you DO. Reguardless of what your character started out as, as soon as possible you made it into a armoured main battle tank. If you dont like upkeep based system controlling you so you DONT act like a douche endlessly, its simple: Dont be a douche. Check old Taleworlds forum and you will see my old Signature: even at the height of platespam, I wore blue tunic, blue hood, wrapping boots, carried a longbow and a maul, or wore blue tunic and hood, and spammed you all down with a longsword/katana. I fucking LOVED those days. I dont care what armour ppl wear, I will defeat it, because it wont make you a better player, just a slower runner. Then you all cried and cried and AGI got nerfed. Seeing what you all intended, chadz, in his wisdom, introduced the slot system and the upkeep system to stop you all from being the my old friends you all want to be, all in Plate, all the time, just because "I played for AAAAAAGES now can I have a reward reguardless of my actual progress or skill level."

For those of you who REALLY dont play for fun anymore: Single player native, wear what you want and spam down on brainless bots.

If any of you DISSAGREE with what I have written, Prove me WRONG by NOT crying in this thread. Im off to lunch, have a good rage. Egoists.
I am a HT, I use steppe horse and four throwing lances/four stacks of jarids,I'm not rich, only loom I got is a 1+ weapon, I wear next to no armor, basicly I'm the cheapest my "class" can go, and even though I don't have much gold the reason I wear this gear is not because I'm afraid to go broke, (I duel a lot and I recall once losing 5k in a few EU_1 rounds after having goten 10k in the duel server, but at times when I'm not overflowing with cash then I have to care about my multi, have it affect my mood badly if I go 1x for several rounds fx, I play for fun, multi takes away fun, solution=remove multi, however, with this gear someone not having Kafein as their pimp and not betting on everything possible and never selling their looms and on 1x as much as me WOULD go broke, is it fair that I gotta leech (or duel) or sell my loompoint if I wanna play the class I like?
No one cares about upkeep but new poor players, you know why I stopped wearing plate on my main back when i was a horrible two-hander noob in ant? I was way faster, way more effective, etc.
Balancing items by the cost is bullshit, There are some weapons that are better than other weapons in all ways but the cost, for example Dadao and danish greatsword, each weapon (but looms) should be unique, not just "Cheaper/More expensive and worse/better version of x." also, slots makes sense...
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #153 on: March 27, 2012, 05:45:18 pm »
If upkeep would be removed we'd just see 20 times as much Cav plus everyone in in general in Plate/Heavy armor. The only reason 'no upkeep' ever worked is because the mod was relatively new, eventually we saw everyone use the highest tiers of gear and that's something which would without a doubt ruin the mod completely if allowed to continue.

No upkeep would work now as well. Armor got nerfed to oblivion, and horses too. Weapons and pretty much all items are nowhere near being consistant in their price/power ordering. The only thing that should be done if we remove the upkeep is nerfing arrows, mostly bodkin arrows.

Offline BlindGuy

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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #154 on: March 27, 2012, 06:20:01 pm »
No upkeep would work now as well. Armor got nerfed to oblivion, and horses too. Weapons and pretty much all items are nowhere near being consistant in their price/power ordering. The only thing that should be done if we remove the upkeep is nerfing arrows, mostly bodkin arrows.

OR, radical thinking here: have items BE balanced by price...tbh getting rid of upkeep cause of weapon inbalance is like throwing out your door cause it sticks on the frame: SAND IT DOWN by balancing items, dont get a new door.
I don't know enough

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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #155 on: March 27, 2012, 07:20:34 pm »
Im VERY sry to be the voice of reason:

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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #156 on: March 27, 2012, 08:05:46 pm »
Don't take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #157 on: March 27, 2012, 08:47:15 pm »
If you quit because of losing multi (with no external factors. Its different to think "Well, Im kinda hungry, gonna make some dinner when I lose this multi") then, IMHO: Fuck off, you arent playing for fun.
That is absolutely true.

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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #158 on: March 28, 2012, 12:05:41 am »
That is absolutely true.
When you're essentially broke (been there, done that) and you're on a 1x streak for 1-3hours then yes, I quit because of multi, what else should I do? Leech?
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Gold is worthless
« Reply #159 on: March 28, 2012, 12:30:47 am »
I said it ages ago that the sinks of crpg does not match the faucets hence a rampant inflation would/is occuring.

This is not a big deal for most players who has been here since day 1, but it does make it less appealing for new players to start cRPG.
They still have to fight upkeep, buy items, less xp per tick etc. etc.

Unless new sinks are presented the gold per heirloom prise will rise.
Adding new items will only increase it further.

What could be done? Well maybe it should cost 100k gold to retire or every level above 30 cost 100k gold to receive att and skill points.
100k gold to go from lvl 1 - 20. 10% brokers fee on market and 5% sales tax would also help.
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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #160 on: March 28, 2012, 01:08:21 am »
When you're essentially broke (been there, done that) and you're on a 1x streak for 1-3hours then yes, I quit because of multi, what else should I do? Leech?
Well your sole purpose in this game is trolling and badmouthing ppl anyway  :lol:

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Re: Gold is worthless
« Reply #161 on: March 28, 2012, 09:50:13 am »
I said it ages ago that the sinks of crpg does not match the faucets hence a rampant inflation would/is occuring.

This is not a big deal for most players who has been here since day 1, but it does make it less appealing for new players to start cRPG.
They still have to fight upkeep, buy items, less xp per tick etc. etc.

Unless new sinks are presented the gold per heirloom prise will rise.
Adding new items will only increase it further.
agreed, and make it fair for those new players and also so they perhaps can close the gap to those who played a lot longer

1. The first 3 generations NO UPKEEP
2. instead of a increased XP/Gold ratio do it the other way round. 100% at gen 1, 99% at gen 2 ... 86% at gen 14(cap) (or start that with generation 9(that way the new guys were easily to gain 3 mw heirloomed items or make it generation 30(whatever fits the bill)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 09:51:42 am by kinngrimm »
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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #162 on: March 28, 2012, 09:55:35 am »
maybe doubling the buying price of stuff(but not the Upkeep) could also help?
Maybe it woud be better for me to find out where you life and kill you when you are satch a Soziopath. You have enough now.
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Re: Gold is worthless
« Reply #163 on: March 28, 2012, 11:47:10 am »
agreed, and make it fair for those new players and also so they perhaps can close the gap to those who played a lot longer

1. The first 3 generations NO UPKEEP
2. instead of a increased XP/Gold ratio do it the other way round. 100% at gen 1, 99% at gen 2 ... 86% at gen 14(cap) (or start that with generation 9(that way the new guys were easily to gain 3 mw heirloomed items or make it generation 30(whatever fits the bill)

Personally, I wouldn't like being run over by new players on plated chargers who respec every time just before they hit lvl 31.
I mean, what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!

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Re: Gold is worhtless
« Reply #164 on: March 28, 2012, 04:37:45 pm »
I don't think inflation hurts new people.

Once you explain to them how to sell loom points it's actually pretty nice. They get a huge wad of gold after their first gen and basically all their money struggles are over.