You can also do something similar to punish a player who consistently goes for stab chambers.
Stab, miss, then restab to chamber the stab they started to chamber your first stab.
How often do we do this in fights? I wonder the % hahaha.
I love holding stabs until people let go of their blocks, then hit them.
I love purposely swinging a pole right wing over somebodies head, then starting another and hitting them.
SWitching from a 2h right swing into a thrust can be so fluid you can't see when they switch animations (if you look the right directions at the right times, it takes some finesse)
Overhead --> switch to side swing feint. Counters chambers.
Castoring (Double swinging)
My favorite feint, something I haven't done in months, the delayed feint chamber. You do an attack, feint out of it late, feinting into the same attack timed specifically to chamber the enemy if they were to attempt to chamber your original attack. It's beautiful. If they go to chamber your attack, you chamber them! What could be better?