Experienced players are welcome to use their brains during a strat fight. If everyone were an automaton i think that most of my strat battles would of gone a lot worse.
For example: Attacking a village, you decide not to follow the main group, because you see the enemy archers are targetting them and havent seen you. You manage to jump onto the roof and kill them all, therby saving your team lots of nasty incoming arrows.
Or: Attacking a village, you see a really good spot on a raised position for archers to position themselves. You call it out on TS and decide to stay there to cover them as melee. You dont participate in the charges because you know you need to defend the archers.
Or: Defending a village, you see some enemies flanking and call it out on TS. Some guys follow you and you take them out. You might decide to stay there and cover that position just in case they try it again.
An experienced strat player knows when to go for enemy flags and when not to and your post was ambiguous as to when you went for the flags. If we had no tickets and people were dead it didnt really matter what you did at the end. There wasnt a possibility of you single handedly turning the battle by going for the flags at that point either though.
Most people have strat battles where their KD is good, and sometimes their KD is bad. I fought for ATS in strat 2 and got a K:D of 6:1. The rest of the team just died pretty much and lost all flags. This was on NA ping.
Another strat battle i struggled to get a 1:1 KD.
People want players they can trust to be smart, not just get a good kd.
Not saying you're not smart, just generalising here.