Loompoint price premiums might go up but I don't think it will be inflationary especially if people start to dump a lot of their old loomed armours on the market at discount. That's just an increase the spread for variable point premium compared to already loomed items, not inflation itself.
Also, you can plan around inflation if you know it's happening, the #1 rule would be don't sit on cash. You have only yourself to blame if you are sitting on 5 million gold... put your money into items, their value will rise with inflation. It might be slow to trade them when you need to, but at least you won't have your gold pile eaten by inflation.
it will be interesting to see what happens. you kind of contradicted yourself, at least with armors.
1- if you put ur money into items and a patch with 25 armors is released. everything gets affected.
/a +3 heraldic mail is worth less today than it was a week ago, because the demand for it is less
2- the only logical thing to do is sell your loompoint, even if you dont want a new armor
3- the more looms being sold, the higher the price gets
/meanwhile everything else is worth less, until the demand for the new stuff levels out
**however the price for a loom never lowers back down, and their increased prices for items accross the board
result: inflation, market stagnation (if thats a word) , and newer players always having less than than the older players because of the inflation
The main problem with rising loom prices is people can sell loompoints for huge sums and then easily afford to finance a long time of running around in heavy gear they would otherwise not be able to afford with just gameplay ticks. So a wrench gets thrown into the entire concept of maintanence being used to balance gear on the field.
The devs need to look at adjusting all prices upwards. Maybe up gold per tick by 50% and all base item prices by 50%. To bring some balance back.