Heres an idea. Take the native continent, put one on each side of an ocean. Rhodok sides facing each other. make one continent NA, make one continent EU. Set strat 4.0 up so that once one side conquers their entire continent, nomatter the method or clan, their main responsibility is to use the economics of a unified continent, which would be accomplished militarily, or through alliances, with one clan designated head, using economics after unifying the continent to build an invasion force upon the other continent. The first continent to have a unified power would have this option and they could initiate the invasion whenever they wanted. this would allow either side to race towards hegemony and allow them to invade the not-so-organized enemy continent whenever they feel ready. It would force a war for continental power, or an alliance with clear leadership. This could be a unique and fun way to approach another round of strategus. everyone talks up the eu invasion of na lands. lets make that a reality and see if the "carebear" tactics of eu clans (stereotyping, not reflecting my own beliefs) can beat NA warmongering tactics in continental hegemony and who can beat who to initiating an invasion.