- 0000207: [Warband - multiplayer - [ingame]] Drowning - timer set to 20 seconds for players and 10 seconds for horses for now. Also added a breath bar to the UI. (Ozin) - resolved.
- 0000206: [Warband - multiplayer - [ingame]] Siege: Team-switching on request is disabled (you can still go spec), resets after map change (Ozin) - resolved.
- 0000205: [Warband - multiplayer - [ingame]] Battle & Siege: If you haven't spawned in a round at round end, your multi is set to 1. (Ozin) - resolved.
- 0000204: [Warband - multiplayer - [ingame]] Reverted ladder script to the old method temporarily (Ozin) - resolved.
- 0000203: [website - character - [www.c-rpg.net]] 12 hour format (Harald) - resolved.
- 0000175: [website - character - [www.c-rpg.net]] Make sacrifice available to mains of level 30 or less (Harald) - resolved.
- 0000188: [website - character - [www.c-rpg.net]] Sell button is not disabled for heirlooms even though selling them is not possible (Espu) - resolved.
- 0000133: [website - character - [www.c-rpg.net]] Equipment value uses heirloom prices, rather than base prices (Espu) - resolved.
- 0000162: [website - character - [www.c-rpg.net]] When people are offering money for a polearm, they doesnt appear in Polearm Request Research (Harald) - resolved.
- 0000151: [website - character - [www.c-rpg.net]] New marketplace improvements (Harald) - resolved.
- 0000127: [website - character - [www.c-rpg.net]] Add staff list to the link © 2010 donkey crew (Harald) - closed.
Details for the rageball and item changes will be added later.