I am all for a heirloom point reset!
There are so many good reasons for it, that it's shorter to talk about the arguments against it:
1.: It's technically difficult to do
2.: It simply goes against the idea of the developers to be able to change your character after having made decision.
Argument 2 is basing on this quote:
I always thought it was fun if everyone could create his own char, using his own items. The point was not to outgrind other players, but to just spice the game up and give it some variety and persistance. Have your own char, live with it, with it's strength, but also with it's flaws. That is also the reason why there is no respec option.
Nonetheless, if you decided for a certain char, but the circumstances, that influenced this decision, get changed AFTERWARDS, I think it is highly unfair to have the player live with them anyway.
So basically the only reason against a heriloom reset would be point 1. And I don't think that resetting the heirlooms would be such a problem for the devs, I am totally confident in their skills.
Please, dear devs, don't ignore the community. Don't just ignore our pleas, and don't just write "no" without reasoning. If you are against an heirloom reset, please explain us why.