Author Topic: Throwing Nerf  (Read 19279 times)

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #180 on: March 30, 2011, 02:29:58 am »
Darts are fine. Throwing axes, jarids, throwing lances-with shields- aren't.  Darts don't take 90 percent of any opponents hp away with 1 shot, even if they have 8 PT.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #181 on: April 08, 2011, 02:19:45 am »
Throwing is fine, stop crying. Throwing doesn't supplant archery and crossbows by any stretch. Throwing does more damage but doesn't have nearly as much range. If you nerfed throwing, even a little bit, people would just move on to crossbows. Miley tops the scoreboards more often than I do, nerf whatever she uses haha.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #182 on: April 08, 2011, 11:21:31 pm »
But that's because you suck Testic- Chestacleses.

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #183 on: April 08, 2011, 11:28:27 pm »
But that's because you suck Testic- Chestacleses.

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #184 on: April 09, 2011, 03:15:21 am »
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #185 on: April 09, 2011, 12:51:58 pm »
throwing is fine, people just cry alot, if anything rise pt by 2 and its good to go lol

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #186 on: April 10, 2011, 12:06:13 am »
Whats all the fuzz about? Played 2-hander 1 gen now, throwing where the least of my problems, if I saw a thrower guy aiming for me, I went the other way instead of bein a dumbass cunt and charge him and get killed and then whine on the forums.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #187 on: April 10, 2011, 04:00:31 pm »
Whats all the fuzz about? Played 2-hander 1 several gens now, throwing where the least of my problems, if I saw a thrower guy aiming for me, I went the other way instead of bein a dumbass cunt and charge him and get killed and then whine on the forums.
same here

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #188 on: April 11, 2011, 10:15:58 am »
same here
the fuzz is people like the kid who post this tread are sad, read what happens in the frist post, she fights me, then backs up? giving a thrower room to throw? ya ok i'll take a free shot, i did and she died  :|

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #189 on: April 11, 2011, 02:39:45 pm »
I try to avoid throwers.

But I hate when they run away, I start fighting with two people, can't concentrate on my surroundings, and the bastard just gets a free 1 shot kill while I block two directions at the same time.

If that's not EZ-mode, then what is?
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #190 on: April 11, 2011, 02:58:14 pm »
What I see a lot of lately is Huscarl shields, side swords, and javelins lol, bring back the shieldless throwers with next to no melee wpf :c
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 03:48:01 pm by Memento_Mori »

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #191 on: April 11, 2011, 03:12:34 pm »
The only thing about throwing that is OP is joke builds and 1 weapon - throwing lances. I don't think that just any one class is getting nerfed, but there are some changes coming to the game in the patch, and I hope it does change the metagame up, so that we have less ranged players. I did make a suggestion about NOT being able to pick up thrown weapons (or any weapons) that are on the ground/stuck in dirt/trees/solid rock walls (O.o), but the suggestion poll ended up with a 98% NO! poll, so at least I tried.

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #192 on: April 11, 2011, 09:01:40 pm »
The only time throwing ever bugs me is if I did not bring a shield on a slow character. And honestly, if you are in that situation, it is your own damn fault.
So with PT >10 stones become simple too effective

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #193 on: April 11, 2011, 11:19:43 pm »
Common Arguments From Throwers

1 - We don't have much ammo

Response - For one any thrower with a brain stem can find 40 axes laying around and two, the low ammo is a result of your weapon being the launcher and the ammo
(whereas bows and xbows have a second item taking up slots)

2 - Throwing weapons are expensive

Response - This expense is a failed attempt to make a skill void style only viable to devoted
pre-FOTM throwers. Other ranged classes require that you buy a weapon in addition to the somewhat expensive quiver. high tier crossbows (heavy/sniper) (with steel bolts) cost more money to deploy than 3 bags of javalins or the more likely 2 bags of jarids (3 bags of jarids with sniper)

3 - Archers and crossbows have long range so we deserve to be faster and deal more damage

Response - Long range combat is a term not known to most ranged. Their accuracy and range plays a minor role as combat in M&B is frequently a bar fight with swords. And due to this accuracy archers cannot mow down plate armored beasts coming to fight them. A feat that is frequently more valuable than random headshots to people that do not pose direct threat

Realism Argument Thrown In
While some of you scoff at realism and call it =/= to balance i am inclined to agree.
Realism is not balance but realism guides balance, would you not say?
For instance would it make sense that a club does more blunt damage than a mace? no it would not but this is a rather crude example of this thought.

Balance is built around realism all the while making things fair for all

so why does it make sense that a weapon, thrown into the air by imperfect human hands, traveling through air resistance effecting it significantly due to the large surface area (compared to other projectiles) and fighting the wind, to hit the target at a most likely flawed angle, does more damage than an awlpike.

A weapon meant exclusively for the purpose of thrusting. Thusted or run through with the weight and strength of a man's TWO arms. The same arms that would throw the javalins and such.

Backed by the weight of a man and motivated by the strength of his arms, his legs, or both, an awlpike does less damage than a javalin thrown with one arm fighting through all the above mentioned forces.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 11:32:03 pm by MrShovelFace »
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #194 on: April 12, 2011, 12:23:41 pm »
Common Arguments From Throwers

1 - We don't have much ammo

Response - For one any thrower with a brain stem can find 40 axes laying around and two, the low ammo is a result of your weapon being the launcher and the ammo
(whereas bows and xbows have a second item taking up slots)

2 - Throwing weapons are expensive

Response - This expense is a failed attempt to make a skill void style only viable to devoted
pre-FOTM throwers. Other ranged classes require that you buy a weapon in addition to the somewhat expensive quiver. high tier crossbows (heavy/sniper) (with steel bolts) cost more money to deploy than 3 bags of javalins or the more likely 2 bags of jarids (3 bags of jarids with sniper)

3 - Archers and crossbows have long range so we deserve to be faster and deal more damage

Response - Long range combat is a term not known to most ranged. Their accuracy and range plays a minor role as combat in M&B is frequently a bar fight with swords. And due to this accuracy archers cannot mow down plate armored beasts coming to fight them. A feat that is frequently more valuable than random headshots to people that do not pose direct threat

Realism Argument Thrown In
While some of you scoff at realism and call it =/= to balance i am inclined to agree.
Realism is not balance but realism guides balance, would you not say?
For instance would it make sense that a club does more blunt damage than a mace? no it would not but this is a rather crude example of this thought.

Balance is built around realism all the while making things fair for all

so why does it make sense that a weapon, thrown into the air by imperfect human hands, traveling through air resistance effecting it significantly due to the large surface area (compared to other projectiles) and fighting the wind, to hit the target at a most likely flawed angle, does more damage than an awlpike.

A weapon meant exclusively for the purpose of thrusting. Thusted or run through with the weight and strength of a man's TWO arms. The same arms that would throw the javalins and such.

Backed by the weight of a man and motivated by the strength of his arms, his legs, or both, an awlpike does less damage than a javalin thrown with one arm fighting through all the above mentioned forces.

throwing is not faster then bows, nor do they have the same speed as bolts mid flight,
throwing lances take 21str, the most in the game to use, no other weapon needs 21 str for u just to use them. you get 2 lances, not 40 like u say there are.  picking up throwing weapons off the floor is not a reson to nerf them.
when you throw u are ranged! if they get in close some throwing weapons can be used for a reg weapon... but it is a super shitty weapon, ever see a man get killed with a dart or jav in melee?
it seems like some kid join us on the forum and was like durrr throwing kills me, let me post  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 12:26:19 pm by Native_ATS »