Author Topic: Throwing Nerf  (Read 19233 times)

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Offline UrLukur

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2011, 05:57:06 pm »

The rest of you throwers trying to cry that is just fine are just trying to protect your own currently overpowerful weapon. Throwing DEMANDS as hard a nerf as the archers got. It should be nerfed so hard that ONLY devoted throwers play that class, just like ONLY dedicated archers play now. All the archer Alts? Retired. Nerf throwers until the same thing happens.

Generally speaking, throwing one-two projectiles that are fire and forget is good idea. In current situation it's just too good, and people can use their throwing machineguns (15/20 projectiles) before entering melee (where they have about the same chance as every dedicated 1h/2h, as throwing don't demand much investment).

I would be perfectly fine with longer delay between throws, and just 2/4 projectiles to throw (where thrower have to count every single projectile, not throwspam).

I would be fine if low investment = low reward, right now it's low investment = high reward. It's sick.

Current archery is good example how throwing should look like balance wise, want melee character with crappy ranged attacks that are not reliable, cool, it's possible. Want archer that can kill reliably ? Use loomed bow and put 150 wpf in archery and sport 6-8 PD. Throwers on the other hand can just stack STR and own in both melee and throwing.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2011, 06:13:35 pm »
I have two throwers.  They are not as OP as you think they are.  Mine are hybrids though, maybe a gimp ass pure thrower is OP till people chase him down and stomp him.  Most of what I hear about throwers being OP is nonfact fiction, like nerf whines and cries from people who just didn't like dying to one.  Alot of cav hate throwers because when people got sick of being dominated by cav we all went and rolled throwers.  Cav see my arm rise and just ride away as fast as they can, then wait behind a corner for their chance to one hit me in the back of the head when I am in melee.  Besides that I can take down their horse then get owned by the superior rider who is now enraged with 170 wpf in polearm spam.

If you're going to complain about throwing at least try it to lvl 30 first, 4 real.  Otherwise you're wasting your time and ours having to listen to your drabble.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2011, 06:19:51 pm »
I have two throwers.  They are not as OP as you think they are.  Mine are hybrids though, maybe a gimp ass pure thrower is OP till people chase him down and stomp him.  Most of what I hear about throwers being OP is nonfact fiction, like nerf whines and cries from people who just didn't like dying to one.  Alot of cav hate throwers because when people got sick of being dominated by cav we all went and rolled throwers.  Cav see my arm rise and just ride away as fast as they can, then wait behind a corner for their chance to one hit me in the back of the head when I am in melee.  Besides that I can take down their horse then get owned by the superior rider who is now enraged with 170 wpf in polearm spam.

If you're going to complain about throwing at least try it to lvl 30 first, 4 real.  Otherwise you're wasting your time and ours having to listen to your drabble.

Here's the problem. YOU AREN'T A THROWER BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION. You are EXACTLY the type of player we want nerfed. We WANT you coming back and complaining that it was nerfed so hard that it is now useless.

Then we can have those "gimp ass pure throwers" explain to you how to score kills with it.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2011, 06:21:53 pm »
I don't think that hard of a nerf is necessary. Pure throwers are already slow and heavily lacking in melee (Throwing with a few exceptions seems to be a trend for those who can't block no offense.) The only thing wrong with throwing is its spammable with a very high attack. A small speed nerf to the reload speed or an additional animation like among the lines what archery got would be the best thing for throwing.

Oh and making Wpf matter then the hybrid throwing nowpfmy old friends  will go away. (kuddos to those of you who put Wpf in throwing anyways)
On it.

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2011, 06:34:45 pm »
The only thing wrong with throwing is its spammable with a very high attack. A small speed nerf to the reload speed or an additional animation like among the lines what archery got would be the best thing for throwing.

I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2011, 06:50:37 pm »
throwing is fine

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2011, 07:23:54 pm »
If throwing were so OP, you'd see throwers at the top of the scoreboards often. And while I'm not saying it doesn't happen, it definitely isn't the norm.

Try that guy Gugnecocks, or whatever his name is......he is constantly on top of the scoreboard, while he cant manual block for the life of his, he's even worse manual blocker then myself....all he does is spam that throwing shit and getting insta-kills....and thats just him, im not even gonna bother writing down the names of all those similar random throwers that would be completely useless if not for the pierce-throwing-easy-mode-free-kills........
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2011, 07:46:31 pm »
If throwing were so OP, you'd see throwers at the top of the scoreboards often.

Thats because most of them are just spamthrowing away at anything that moves and teamkill almost as often as they get an enemy...

BTT: definitely speed nerf, that machinegun mode is a bad joke.
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Offline Miley

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2011, 08:44:36 pm »
I find it funny how all the throwers are the ones defending throwing, just like archers were defending archers.
So wait you're the last guy dueling someone with a throwing lance so he's slow with short range and you let him back up ? He does the smart thing and kill you and now you're making a QQ nerf thread !

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I don't know in NA but in EU server it seems to me the majority of ranged melee want back to using xbow.

I was on my archer with a spiked mace and 0 WPF. He was like a few centimeters away from me, and he threw in between an attack.

Archers were nerfed first because people didn't need to get proficiency to use bows, just power draw. Throwing needs to require proficiency so that all-strength throwers cannot be so accurate and powerful. They'd have to take down their power throw, as archers did. Hybrid throwers are mostly fine.
It's just the pure throwers who are over powered.
Ex: Oh no, someone's coming close. I'm going to throw, and if I miss, I'll take out my bar mace and crush block them with my 13 PT and 13 PS.

 Also, since when could a rock go through a plate?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 08:53:44 pm by Miley »

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2011, 08:56:11 pm »
Hmm, Thrower hybrid here speaking up. 100 wpf and 7PT is what I sport.

Personally I think that people are grossly exaggerating how deadly throwing is, but I still think that throwing needs a nerf. I also want to say that it needs a soft nerf, as like it or not throwers are not topping the scoreboards in a dominating fashion. I also think that it is stupid, plain and simple, to make thrower hybrids impossible. Hybrids should be possible, so I still want to see hybrids be playable even after a nerf.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 08:57:43 pm by Tears_of_Destiny »
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2011, 08:56:21 pm »
I find it funny how all the throwers are the ones defending throwing, just like archers were defending archers.

I'm not a thrower, and I think throwing is fine as is. I had one before, sure. But I think EVERYONE should try a class out before they respond to a thread attempting to nerf it. If you haven't played a thrower, I honestly feel that you have no business posting here.

EDIT: Some background info - I have had a pure thrower, hybrid throwers, 2 handers, polearm users, sword and boarders, xbowmen, cav, and archers. By far, I have found it easier to top the scoreboards with a 2h, cav, or polearm than any other style of play.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 09:00:06 pm by Heroin »
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2011, 09:24:27 pm »
Went thrower/hybrid coz apparently it was the new 'ez mode' forum fad

failed miserably, I have 5 PT and 120 wpp in throwing but I don't even carry any throwing weapons anymore, xbow is far more reliable as a ranged secondary with 0 wpp & melee as your primary is far more effective than throwing.

btw if you are going to hybrid throwing I'd recommend not putting WPP in it atm because it hardly does anything to your aim standing still. Your aim while moving is noticeably more stable though, but as a hybrid I don't think that matters too much anyways

If you're aware you probably won't have much problem dodging axes or knives as they move so ridiculously slow, javs and jarids are viable choices because of the extra speed they get but you realod them MUCH slower.

Also this whole Machine gun Throwing thing is a joke..

21 agility and I can't machine gun throw without my guy glitching and doing the animation for throwing but nothing coming out of his hand.

maybe with shurikens or knives but even then it's not really that fast & they don't do any damage.

This machine gun throwing thing is probably because there is more than ONE thrower throwing shit at you or maybe 6 str 30 agi will let you spam knives like a mad man not sure, not gonna try, next retirement is back to 2h, maybe with some xbow for a ranged secondary.

Over all, throwing is obviously not my cup of tea, neither was archery & neither was cavalry
not saying it doesn't need a nerf, not saying it does need a nerf, but all those who are trying to nerf it and those trying to defend it should all go roll a thrower and see how it goes, I may just suck at ranged combat xD

I am kinda a masochist , but throwers are not my top scare in CRPG.
you guys ever gone to the duel server and dueled a thrower?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 09:30:18 pm by Memento_Mori »

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2011, 10:03:55 pm »
Hmm, Thrower hybrid here speaking up. 100 wpf and 7PT is what I sport.

Personally I think that people are grossly exaggerating how deadly throwing is, but I still think that throwing needs a nerf. I also want to say that it needs a soft nerf, as like it or not throwers are not topping the scoreboards in a dominating fashion. I also think that it is stupid, plain and simple, to make thrower hybrids impossible. Hybrids should be possible, so I still want to see hybrids be playable even after a nerf.

It doesn't need a nerf as big as archery. It shouldn't need as much WPF as archery does, because I think it should be a mostly hybrid option, though.

I'm not a thrower, and I think throwing is fine as is. I had one before, sure. But I think EVERYONE should try a class out before they respond to a thread attempting to nerf it. If you haven't played a thrower, I honestly feel that you have no business posting here.

EDIT: Some background info - I have had a pure thrower, hybrid throwers, 2 handers, polearm users, sword and boarders, xbowmen, cav, and archers. By far, I have found it easier to top the scoreboards with a 2h, cav, or polearm than any other style of play.

I have a thrower, too.

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #28 on: March 08, 2011, 02:42:33 am »
That's where I stopped reading. Throwing and accurate are 2 things that do not go well together.

Allright, nerf throwing. And the greatswords, high tier polearms, bardiches, nodachi, flameberge and some other weapons that 1 hit kill most of the time.
On my 1h/shield main, wearing 50+ body armour and some IF, I get 1 hit killed A LOT. By those weapons. With sideswings. They are perfectly spammable, as in you can keep swinging them without ever running out of swings. All you have to do is get up to someone (about the same range at which throwing is somewhat accurate) and perform some random directional swings.

I can pick up a masterwork nodachi, deadly bec de corbin or whatever and kill people in 1 hit. I can't even be outspammed eventhough I don't have any wpf in polearms or 2h.

Seriously, learn how to deal with the stuff that get's you killed before whining on the forums.

LMAO and youre a fucking dumbass if you think that throwing weapons need to be within the same range as a melee weapon to be effective. Youre fucking retarded for even comparing throwing to melee

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2011, 02:49:04 am »
I've tried throwing in the past and, no, I don't think it needs nerfed. Maybe the Lances are a little too powerful (should be around 50 pierce), but that's it. Heh, anyway, I've noticed far more people are hybrid crossbow users now. At least the throwers have to invest skillpoints to throw - crossbow users don't even have to do that!