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History and Politics
« on: March 03, 2011, 07:30:09 am »
Every single era there were power holders and simple people. In ancient rome there were royal people and slaves. In fedualism there were lords and peasants. And even if the great majority were simple people they obeyed their masters.
Nothing has changed since Jesus. Now in capitalism there are power holders:billioniares and simple people:us. No goverment rules the world but money holders. They gave us some "human rights” to shut our mouths.
To win you should eliminate everyone else. To be big, one other should be in suffer. That's hateful. Nothing less than racism, religious terror. If they are no long exist there will be no reason to hate.
So i assume that right winged politics are crap. But capitalists find a new way when they see left are powering up: liberalism. Left in human rights, right in a capitalist way. It's really funny that you sponge someone at the same time you defend them rights.
I'll take my leave wishing that there will be no masters nor slaves. Peace!
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 07:32:47 am by Sultan Eren »
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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2011, 03:02:31 pm »
well noone but yourself can represent you.

either you use all ur possibilities or u dont

no matter what law no matter what age

u gonna have to stand up for yourself in any case.

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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2011, 03:33:05 pm »
I or We?
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Offline SteelDevil

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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2011, 02:07:45 am »
the individual with a functioning brain that faces restrains by other individuals.

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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2011, 02:12:06 pm »
What the hell?  :rolleyes:

Everyone can rise to the highest stations. It's a question of drive and ability. That's as fair as it gets.

Just because the rest of us make choices that don't lead to the 'top' (whatever this may be, in your opinion) doesn't mean we're a bunch of peasants being lorded over by some monarch.

The important bit is that, at least where I live, I could technically become a millionaire or a Senator if I tried hard enough.

If I was born a serf in the middle ages, I would never be able to become a Baron.

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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2011, 02:23:36 pm »
Like Kalam said, anyone can become anything these days. You just need the ability to go through with it.

Of course, competence plays a role as well.
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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2011, 02:44:37 pm »
Like Kalam said, anyone can become anything these days. You just need the ability to go through with it.

Of course, competence plays a role as well.

True and false.

If everyone were billionares who would repair your car or make your 300$ Iphone that cost 2$ to produce?

As the system is today we need slaves.

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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2011, 02:50:41 pm »
No gods No masters No country

Offline Sultan Eren

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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2011, 03:27:26 pm »
What the hell?  :rolleyes:

Everyone can rise to the highest stations. It's a question of drive and ability. That's as fair as it gets.

Just because the rest of us make choices that don't lead to the 'top' (whatever this may be, in your opinion) doesn't mean we're a bunch of peasants being lorded over by some monarch.

The important bit is that, at least where I live, I could technically become a millionaire or a Senator if I tried hard enough.

If I was born a serf in the middle ages, I would never be able to become a Baron.

That's ridiculous. You are being lorded. And if those powers don't want you to raise, they don't kill you. They don't interview you on their magazines or TVs. There's nothing hard to understand. If you'll be succeed as you say, your success makes some other poorer.
What's the difference between me and Bill Gates' son? I don't know if he had a child but it's something i can't accept. You did not choose your religion/nation/race/your body/your parents/your illnesses. We do not judge people with these. You did not choose your social class either. Why judge with it? Why? Why an african child do not have a computer and discuss this matter with us? Why? It's not about choises.

Let's say the world's total wealth is 100. %1 of people has 80. %99 of people has 20. And you are saying that we are not lorded. Capitalism needs slaves. And people like you to stand strong against devil(!) communists. Keep dreaming! One day you'll be a billionaire too. But that don't change to fact that %99 of people are starving comparing to them riches.
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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2011, 03:34:01 pm »
True and false.

If everyone were billionares who would repair your car or make your 300$ Iphone that cost 2$ to produce?

As the system is today we need slaves.

That's just your own interpretation.

Basically, what capitalism is about; one guy wins, one guy loses. You can't all be winners.

And what you're suggesting is that people are forced into these roles, regardless of abilities and competence. I find that false, because as many have re-iterated, intelligence (same goes for any skill set) without ambition is like a bird without wings. If you're stuck in a role you've got none to blame but yourself. At least in the Western world.

If we're enslaved to anything, it's the system itself.
When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.

Offline Sultan Eren

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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2011, 03:46:16 pm »
Capitalism is the modern version of Fedualism.

That free enterprising and free market is just ridiculous too. If you have a billion you can win 1m a year. If you have a million you can win 100k a year. If you have none you win none, just keep living, keep working "because the system needs you to work". Work work work debt debt debt consume consume consume. And when you are useless they can just say "die". It's that violent.

The big people also know it is an evil system but they keep saying lies. Because they are the power and they do not wanna lose it. Brainwash brainwash brainwash. Long live capitalism.
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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2011, 03:52:12 pm »
Well, assuming you're right, why don't you do something about it?

I defended the village and all I got was this stupid title.

Offline Sultan Eren

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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2011, 04:07:20 pm »
I do. I do tell you. And at least make you think about it!

If i do something i'll be a terrorist. If i do something and success i'll be a revolutoinary leader which American government possibly hates. If i do something about it instead of this i'll be arrested. But i do tell you. If you think the way that i think, your children may think the same. Your friends... you tell your friends. I am thinking which is not a crime.

I am actually doing something informing people.
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Re: History and Politics
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2011, 04:11:32 pm »

What's the difference between me and Bill Gates' son? I don't know if he had a child but it's something i can't accept. You did not choose your religion/nation/race/your body/your parents/your illnesses. We do not judge people with these. You did not choose your social class either. Why judge with it? Why? Why an african child do not have a computer and discuss this matter with us? Why? It's not about choises.

Let's say the world's total wealth is 100. %1 of people has 80. %99 of people has 20. And you are saying that we are not lorded. Capitalism needs slaves. And people like you to stand strong against devil(!) communists. Keep dreaming! One day you'll be a billionaire too. But that don't change to fact that %99 of people are starving comparing to them riches.

I'm not a billionaire because I don't give enough of a shit about money to make it my life's ambition.

My ambition happens to amount to having a good time and being with my loved ones. I can do these things without being a billionaire, and so don't care enough to attempt to become one.

Also, I damn well chose my religion and nation, even if I didn't choose those other things. Illnesses and my body are affected by lifestyle choices, so there's choices there, too.

The point is, that with enough determination, ability, and a little bit of luck, you could achieve it.

Yes, if I was born in a third-world country with no chance of leaving it, I wouldn't be able to achieve lofty goals without enough luck to afford these opportunities to me. However, that's not the case. I'm in a country with opportunities, and  I can attempt to reap them if I wish.

Funny you mentioned parents, because mine are a perfect example of shifting socio-economic statuses. They were born to poor families from villages in South-East Asia, and proceeded to work their way out of it. They went up to what you'd describe as upper-middle class (millions, granted, not billions) and had us kids.

Fortunes changed largely through poor choices and they lost most what they achieved, bringing them back to the working class below the poverty line.

And here I am, with the opportunity to do anything I bloody well please, if I'd chosen to take the opportunities given to me.

I didn't, and so I'm not on the way to becoming a Senator or ridiculously rich, but it doesn't matter.

Because at the end of the day, I'm free to do whatever I damn well please, as long as it doesn't directly hurt another person physically or financially.

Granted, I've never been to Turkey and don't know what the political and economical situation is like there, but for the rest of us, man, it's nothing like the middle ages.