I'm happy the discussion is still quite civilized! :-D
Anyway, what I'm referring to is something that already exists in america, and also in most other countries.
It's called inheritance tax, or "estate tax". Actually, many rich people like bill gates etc are for increasing this kind of taxation.
(couldn't find the exact article about Gates, but here are some other rich proponents)
http://www.marketwatch.com/story/bring-back-the-estate-tax-some-rich-americans-say-2010-07-21My basic point is that I'm not at all for communism. Studying 4 years in Poland now, and I see every day the after-shocks of it in society and psychology of people.
What I'm saying is that waste is waste, and large amounts of resources should be handled by competent people. Not being wasted, even if the owners want to waste it like many heirs do. (Either by bad/incompetent investment, or extreme luxury) It's important to liberate those resources so the smartest/best applepickers can get to them.
Also that everyone should have an
EQUAL/VERY DECENT START in their life should be ensured by society. What people do after their childhood and good basic education is their own responsibility.
The problem today is that money breeds money, and more and more of the worlds resources gets on fewer and fewer hands. Did you know 60% of the worlds wealth belongs to 1% of the worlds population?
(And I do know about inflation and if everyone had a million dollars bread would cost 10.000$ etc etc.. ITS NOT THAT SIMPLE. Take a huge luxury yacht. The resources going into building that thing, ultimately satisfying the vain of a few people, could easily go into securing a much better chance at life for 100 kids, that would use their life paying taxes in stead of being in jail.)
Justice is not only "What mine is mine", it's also giving every individual an equal start.