If you should make craploads of money, that is. Chances are your kids won't be as good with money as you were, and will misplace them.
One thing is the waste of resources when normal people buy a car and don't look after it, let it rust etc.. Now imagine if a billion dollar fortune what misplaced, lots of resources spent on unnecesary luxuries like yachts and the high life. Even worse if the money was invested in a venture doomed to fail.
These resources could have been spent better, if competent people had access to them. Also, the money spent on the yacht could have been spent on better education for someone that would eventually be that competent person.
I'm not neccesarily saying the State should run things, as it is historically speaking not a very competent owner. Perhaps it should simply be sold, and the money from the sale re-invested in the company, letting the new owners decide how it should be run..
Problem is incompentent people throwing away a lot of resources in this world. If these resources could be liberated, each and every one of us would have a better chance to "get rich" although it wouldn't stay in the family.