Why are you adding sideswings on the polearms?
Haha, indeed, I knew I missed something when plotting numbers in. I'm just tired alright
Also, I can't find the thread but there was a guy testing all animations in crpg one-by-one and according to him the 2H polearm stab was the one adding the least length with... zero added. A long awlpike has the stab length of 185 if those numbers are correct. I don't think the 2H stab is as long as +80 in crpg either though. Don't know the exact numbers though. Maybe the long awlpike is longer but I'm not sure
It must be same guy I got my data from, Tears of Destiny posted it in the 'General Guide For New Players'. It's old and not entirely accurate data though, the original post is here:
http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,118906.msg2872758.html#msg2872758And the numbers themselves:
Standard = Onehand overhead (+0)
Overhead = +0
Left-to-right = +0
Right-to-left = +19
Thrust = +61
Overhead = +15
Left-to-right = +17
Right-to-left = +13
Thrust = +80
2h Polearms
Overhead = -15
Left-to-right = -7
Right-to-left = -2
Thrust = +19
1h Polearms
Thrust = +50
This test was done against a dummy, with modified weapon lenghts. Margin of error is probably around +/-3. For your information, testing this with no information about the reaches took a lot of time. If you want more accurate results you'll have to do it by yourself.
Anyway, my point stands that one cannot say 2handers are longer than polearms, even if you meant something else just there (and at least according to these numbers Long Awlpike is as long as the Danish).
Stabbing Hobo also had this to say:
Data on 1h and 2h should be somewhat accurate, when I got to polearms I just wanted to get done faster so they may be off a cm or two.