Niemand you take being called a racist a compliment so I don't think anyone cares about your fucked up opinions.
The fact that I, the peacebringer, the GoD, the King of Cool have been warned twice on these forums for posting chocolate chip cookie related imagery, while you the real chocolate chip cookie gets away free is a travesty.
Nope. I take being annoying as a compliment. Open yerr eyes, learn to read. Can't even understand your own language, huh?
Didn't see any chocolate chip cookies here. Oh wait, I did. HRG have some.
Camels are not Dromedaries. Same as Tigers are not Lions. And Dogs are not Wolves. You don't wanna discuss that with me, I know I am right.
That thing about the WWII was misinformation on my side, not stupidity or retardity.
Is CotGs even a clan? I think Niemand just wants to make himself feel good about himself claiming he has friends that will beat us up if we make fun of him. Oh no, the chocolate chip cookies are going to commit genocide on canadians, whatever will I do? Oh right, America has nukes.
Yah. CotgS is a Clan. Existing in cRPG longer than CHAOS. America has nukes? Proof that. Fire one. Or you scared, "Big Bro"?
And when I look at it... america is more racist than germany ever was. Native Americans still have nearly no rights and gotta live in reservates. After the white man killed them all. Oh and all those African (now African-American) slaves? I bet you guys would fight to keep them slaves instead of freeing them.
I will consider killing myself when you guys a) switched colours. b) grew some ballz. c) and hair on them.
Since b and c will never happen I have not to think about it even once. But I bet you do every day, fat white man.