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IRL - International Rageball League
« on: February 17, 2012, 07:48:28 am »
I'm sure many have had this idea for a Rageball League, but I really want to get it going.

Get a few teams together, schedule a few matches, playoffs, everything.

I don't personally own a server, but I don't think the Hounds will mind too much if I ask to use their server.

I'd like the team names to be more serious, but crpg themed, for example my team would called: Mazen Marauders.

If this is all been in the works somewhere else, let me know, I'd like to help there or start some discussion here.

4 teams (for now)
11 or 8 players on the field (Depends on field)
20 man rosters
(Forwards, Mid-Fielders, Defenders, Goal-Keeper)
Playoff system - double elimination
Goalie is only one allowed to use all forms of ranged weapons, players can use rocks however
Uniforms are the colored tunics, helmets. Color - Home, White - Away
(click to show/hide)
Players use wooden weapons/rocks
Goalie can use wooden weapons/rocks/shortbow & arrows
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 09:17:49 am by Jetsam »

Offline okiN

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2012, 09:10:30 am »
I'm not sure I like the idea of regulating play so much. I think a lot of the fun in Rageball comes from the freeform nature of the game. :)

A league would be great, though. Team size should probably be decided by map -- 11 would be good for Rageball Stadium, but Blood Bowl might be better with 8.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 09:12:23 am by okiN »

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2012, 09:13:53 am »
Fair enough.

I do like the idea of the uniforms, and maybe using wood weapons, throwing rocks, and the goalie with a bow or whatever pleases them. What are you thoughts on that? The uniforms keep the armor the same, and the wooden weapons keep it possible to kill if you must, but also wouldn't just be one hit massacre.

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2012, 09:22:32 am »
Well, uniforms aren't really necessary for player recognition because we have these magic circles above our teammates' heads. I don't really see the problem with letting people just use the gear they want to -- fighting is part of the game, but winning still comes down to how well you play the ball, not just killing your opponents.

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2012, 09:27:36 am »
Well my general idea was that of a sports team. Not so much for player recognition, but look, as well as competitiveness. I understand that it'll come down to who plays the best game, but at the same time the idea of even brings skill and teamwork even more to the forefront.

I think the benefits of the shortbow keep the goalie from sniping individuals, which isn't a terrible idea but I think it makes the position tougher. But at the same time with a weaker bow, you'd need a weaker armored opponent. But with this it would only come down to builds, tactics and chemistry. Not gear in any fashion.

I do understand how you like the free flowing part where the game just meshes naturally with crpg, but I like the idea of making it stand alone. Maybe set something up to try both and see what comes of it.

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2012, 09:28:10 am »
IRL instantly makes me think of In Real Life.
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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2012, 09:30:21 am »
Well my general idea was that of a sports team. Not so much for player recognition, but look, as well as competitiveness. I understand that it'll come down to who plays the best game, but at the same time the idea of even brings skill and teamwork even more to the forefront.

I think the benefits of the shortbow keep the goalie from sniping individuals, which isn't a terrible idea but I think it makes the position tougher. But at the same time with a weaker bow, you'd need a weaker armored opponent. But with this it would only come down to builds, tactics and chemistry. Not gear in any fashion.

I do understand how you like the free flowing part where the game just meshes naturally with crpg, but I like the idea of making it stand alone. Maybe set something up to try both and see what comes of it.

Sure, it's always good to experiment. But first we need more teams!

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2012, 09:33:39 am »
IRL instantly makes me think of In Real Life.

Yeah I kinda liked the idea of that.

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2012, 09:39:33 am »
Sure, it's always good to experiment. But first we need more teams!

I'll get to work on my team.

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2012, 01:50:51 pm »
is quarter staff and iron staff included in the wooden weapons?
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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2012, 05:19:34 pm »
1) No gear restrictions or other special rules!!! You really want to stick as close as possible to the public game settings. If you start disconnecting the league from the public games with special rules then the league will become too insulated, elitist and inaccessable to the general population when all kinds of special quirks are introduced. If any kind of glaring imbalance crops up it should be discussed with Ozin and he can address it to the general settings.

2) Pick one arena and stick with it for now. Either the small or larger one. It adds an unnecessary layer of difficulty for captains if they have to organize variable sized rosters so keep it simple for now while you are trying to get off the ground. If the league really takes off then maybe a 2nd league could be added with a different size (how about 6v6 on a much smaller map?).

3) Again with this theme of simplicity, uniforms are nice (which is why they exist in all sports) but for now I wouldn't worry about it too much at least in this formation phase. What you can do is when a team registers, let them reserve a priority colour scheme (but they are not obligated to follow it). For now you want to avoid two teams with red schemes facing each other (which is really annoying), so the team that reserved it gets to wear red while the other would have to wear an alternate colour.

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2012, 06:42:03 pm »
Rageball needs regulations so players are on an even playing field.. That way the team with the most creativity and intelligence in moving the ball will win.... Just like football.

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2012, 07:13:07 pm »
How do "regulations" help?? make it "even"? What does that even mean.

Already a team using tactics will beat a bunch of morons chasing the ball.

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2012, 02:36:31 am »
1) No gear restrictions or other special rules!!! You really want to stick as close as possible to the public game settings. If you start disconnecting the league from the public games with special rules then the league will become too insulated, elitist and inaccessable to the general population when all kinds of special quirks are introduced. If any kind of glaring imbalance crops up it should be discussed with Ozin and he can address it to the general settings.

2) Pick one arena and stick with it for now. Either the small or larger one. It adds an unnecessary layer of difficulty for captains if they have to organize variable sized rosters so keep it simple for now while you are trying to get off the ground. If the league really takes off then maybe a 2nd league could be added with a different size (how about 6v6 on a much smaller map?).

3) Again with this theme of simplicity, uniforms are nice (which is why they exist in all sports) but for now I wouldn't worry about it too much at least in this formation phase. What you can do is when a team registers, let them reserve a priority colour scheme (but they are not obligated to follow it). For now you want to avoid two teams with red schemes facing each other (which is really annoying), so the team that reserved it gets to wear red while the other would have to wear an alternate colour.

I like the idea of the more even gear, but we will test both and see what works the best.

I agree one map would be a smarter idea atleast for the time being

As far as the colors, I would assign home/away and the away team wears white, and the home wears darks.

is quarter staff and iron staff included in the wooden weapons?

I would just leave it at staff, for the reason of the damage being identical to the other wooden weapons

How do "regulations" help?? make it "even"? What does that even mean.

Already a team using tactics will beat a bunch of morons chasing the ball.

I would argue that they make it even in the fact that if someone has 45+ armor on, and a lighter archer gets inconsistent hits. Glances or not enough to actual deal damage to effect the ball. I understand to some that's just part of the game and adds randomness and chance in the game. However, my personal outlook on this is that I'd rather remove that x-factor and keep solely based on what is done by the players, not the system. With shortbows and arrows you won't deal enough to one hit, unless a headshot, and still get the ball up in the air. Also with the shortbow the range is seriously nerfed as far as how the goalie can interact.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 02:41:26 am by Jetsam »

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Re: IRL - International Rageball League
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2012, 02:44:24 am »
How are uniforms more even than both teams being able to choose from a huge selection of gear? It's not as if one team is going to choose crap gear while the other team chooses the best stuff. Mainly because there is no "best" gear. I really think the choice of going for light, medium or heavy gear (or a mix) should be up to the teams themselves. The one difference between the teams would be heirlooms and I really don't think those are that big a deal in rageball.