Author Topic: archery..  (Read 58043 times)

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Re: archery..
« Reply #570 on: April 11, 2012, 03:16:33 pm »
And OP polearms. And OP throwing. And OP lolstabs. And OP cav. And OP shields...wait...everything in native is massively powerful, and everything has a counter, when used effectively, just as here.

But nothing as OP as archery/xbows.

Offline Herkkutatti

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Re: archery..
« Reply #571 on: April 11, 2012, 03:16:48 pm »
Don't lie, only all kind of archery is op  (bows/xbows) in native.(throwing useless like in cRPG)
(゚、 。 7
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じしf_, )ノ Nerf archery ,please!

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Re: archery..
« Reply #572 on: April 11, 2012, 03:26:56 pm »
In cRPG you guys receive better armor rating, better weight\armor ratio, longest 2handed weapons from fantasy, ability to wear all armor what you want and still have money, your natural counters was nerfed countless times. But it's not enough - river of tears still flow.

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Re: archery..
« Reply #573 on: April 11, 2012, 03:45:53 pm »
... in native.(throwing useless like in cRPG)

Noob, throwing is ridiculously powerful, your post shows that like a large % of crpg players, you have not put much time into native. Throwing in native is NEVER absent from highskilled clan matches, since it is invaluable, and a guy with 2 stacks of throws with shield and sword is an archer rapist. Also destroys any nonshield cav, horse archers, and can reliably hold up the advance of enemy powerhouse classes, like swadian infantry and nord huscarl.

Not to mention in public, if you got Serranid team, the "Streetsweeper" bamboo spear with 3 stacks of javelins rolls over all 2handers, since they mostly spend their killcash on armour once they have their weapon bought.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 03:48:25 pm by BlindGuy »
I don't know enough

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Offline Herkkutatti

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Re: archery..
« Reply #574 on: April 11, 2012, 03:51:11 pm »
well, one thing in native is better than in crpg. Archers have less ATH than inf.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 03:52:40 pm by joosto »
(゚、 。 7
l、 ~ヽ
じしf_, )ノ Nerf archery ,please!

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Re: archery..
« Reply #575 on: April 11, 2012, 07:04:57 pm »
Good archers have an easy time on open plains. Crossbowmen, not so much. Crossbows are great for urban maps with hiding places, towers etc. while archers are great on plains.

This is probably one of the few sane on topic posts in this entire thread. I agree.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

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Re: archery..
« Reply #576 on: April 11, 2012, 07:06:22 pm »
Nerf Archery Nerf Archery Nerf Archery

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I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.

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Re: archery..
« Reply #577 on: April 11, 2012, 07:18:09 pm »
Ok so before i start, I will state a few things :

i don't often come debate if archery is op in this thread, i jsut post sometimes my 2 cents about things that annoy me when i read some shit that goes on in this thread.
-I'll agree that the 2h lobby is the most retarded one we have in crpg
-That archery isnt amssively OP eventhough i have my very own griefs (such as loomed archery gear, epic headshot and some other stuff)
-That everyone should play at least archery one gen or two on main or an alt an to get some positive kd ratio before being all pro on forums about archery

But followind this (i read nearly every post of this forum since 2011 -Yes, I get bored in law classes) thread annoys the fuck out of me. I realise that in the arhcery lobby there are a few specimens that are as retarded as some 2h lobbyist, and yes I'm thinking of you Blindguy

But first I wish to answer to Meow post who posted his opinon and i thank him for that because he is the only member of dev team that does it (except maybe Paul who throws in some stats times to time to watch us fight like starving sharks over a piece of an australian surfer's leg).
Sadly enough you just get your ass licked by some here that take your words as truth just because you are part of the dev team. I beleive you wont take it against me if i'm opposed to your opinion and don't lick your ass ( the only thing we have in common is my mw heavy throwing axe you have in your face that I'm still waiting to retrieve from you!)

First of all trust me, when you one hit people with GLA it does create rage, like i rage when i get one hit by a morning star. rage is issued from anything that is unexpected,irrisistable...and does fuck loads of damage. Like when i throw a jarid at leshma running away that told me i did 75% damage (eventhough my testing on a clanmates alt, a plain 18/21 in medium armor  with no looms caused at best 50% damage) and comes on the thread "throwing is broken" jsut to say throwing is perflectly fine and very powerful. Or even when badplayer nearly gets his horse one shot by a thrower
But the fact you can block the axe with a block causes less rage and the player victim knows he can only blame himself (or is fucking stupid team mate for backslashing him when he was about to block.)

I dont want to seem all pro, 133t and other shit like that but I'v witnessed your playstyle very often meow on eu 1 or even pecores server, it consists of a strength build with a gla and rushing enemies lines. By doing that you create an insane clusterfuck around you where you swing your axe madly while the enemies try to gank you. While you dont care who you hit the opposing gankers oftenf ace two situations :

- or they dont give a fuck and swing as madly as you and risk team hitting or worse teamkilling
- or they are consciencious and try not to teamhit and wait for the occasion jsut to get slashed by a friendly or you when you turn around unexpected to them

result is, the damage dealt to you when you die is far inferior to the damage that you'v inflicted or that firendlies have done amongst themselves due to this chaos.

you say you take 5 arrows to kill someone, i say you cant generalise like that, all depends on the enemies build, looms etc. In average it takes me 3 to 5 arrows to kill someone
The very nature of melee gives it the opportunity of getting more kills, going "spamad" (spam-mad) in clustefucks (the number of people who jsut fail a simple block in those clusterfucks is impressive)
archery is a distance game where you dont put yourself in danger from the melee therefore the damage output isnt the same.

now this is the first thing that makes me go : "errrr no" in your post. saying to adapt to the game. I am sorry but no, this is a game, im not going to have the archery dictate what i should play, a strength build or a one hander. Even though i deeply agree that agi build are completly useless for battles and any one that makes one for battle is plain retarded, we are not going to make archery do reasanable damage to strentgh build and, oh, lets fuck the rest cuz who cares? they are cry babies anyways! Strength builds are amde to resist to damage and do good damage but lose versatality and speed (maybe the trade off isnt fair but that's another thread about "STR is imba").
Does it come to your mind that not every person that doesnt go pure strength isnt a 2h duelist my old friend that gets high on his own farts just because he owns on the duel serv?
i have loomed medium armor im not an agi build but more a balanced one and still take some heavy damage from archery.

range is easy, you just point and click take in account some elevation loss and speed travel of the target. but the main thing that makes me say that it's easy mode is you dont have someone in front of you to directlyc ontest your skill.
In melee it's very different, you have to be aware of attacks blocks chambers distance etc and when you fall on Chase the only thing you can do is hope someone is going to save your ass (or hold down block because he's jsut respecced to a piker)

I hope you wont take any of this eprsonnaly meow but somethings jsut annoyed me

And this is not talking about blindguy, you, my good sir, are one of the biggest arrogant prick this forum has, one of those guys that just gets high on your own farts, your the archer version of those 2h duelist that get high on kicking ass on duel server. you say that they are all whiners and elistest morons, but you are exactly at their level.
but your "prickness" doesnt limit itself to this thread (yes, i already said i read nearly every thread on this forum) you can find on another thread that has nothing to do with balancing.

and i see you are all pretending to be all native "connaisseurs" but i would like to recall that any 2h can also wear a shield and be an effective one hander AND shields actually have a forcefields, something you dont get here




« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 07:22:51 pm by Lactose_the_intolerant »

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Re: archery..
« Reply #578 on: April 11, 2012, 07:26:30 pm »
Noob, throwing is ridiculously powerful, your post shows that like a large % of crpg players, you have not put much time into native. Throwing in native is NEVER absent from highskilled clan matches, since it is invaluable, and a guy with 2 stacks of throws with shield and sword is an archer rapist. Also destroys any nonshield cav, horse archers, and can reliably hold up the advance of enemy powerhouse classes, like swadian infantry and nord huscarl.


Throwing is extremely powerful when used right. The only problem with throwing in crpg is that you have a bit too few throwing weapons in each stack. It should be a way to adjust the amount of throwing weapons to the amount of players on the servers. 3 axes in each stack in a 120 man server just limits it way too much. In native, 4 axes in each stack with a typical 8 vs. 8 or 10 vs. 10 is deadly. Vaegir archers might be the best units in native mp but getting javs/throwing axes counters them quite well and limits their effectiveness. I don't understand why there's so many dedicated shielders on crpg when you can get 3-4 PT and 60-70 wpf in throwing to chuck at archers when needed. They may not deal as much damage as those from dedicated throwers but every hit slows down the archer, and you can always loot back your missed axes/javs.
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: archery..
« Reply #579 on: April 11, 2012, 07:28:40 pm »
I read it all, well done lactose.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.


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Re: archery..
« Reply #580 on: April 11, 2012, 07:34:17 pm »
Well spoken Lactose Meow should be muted in the balance section for all i care hes just random eu1 str behemoth with no idea how any other sorta build works  :lol:

But i guess we should all be str stacking since thats how the devs thinks melee builds should be.... Yawns...  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 07:35:20 pm by HUSTLER »
Stop nerfing shit, learn to counter a weapons strengths and learn some tactics.

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Re: archery..
« Reply #581 on: April 11, 2012, 07:38:20 pm »
Well, STR stacking works great in NA and even in singleplayer  :mrgreen:

To be fair, I think Meow does have a firm grasp on other classes, he posted a very food post a mnth or so ago on the various skills involved in classes, and compared them nicely.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 07:39:46 pm by Tears of Destiny »
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

Offline Vibe

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Re: archery..
« Reply #582 on: April 11, 2012, 08:01:35 pm »
Ok so before i start, I will state a few things :

i don't often come debate if archery is op in this thread, i jsut post sometimes my 2 cents about things that annoy me when i read some shit that goes on in this thread.
-I'll agree that the 2h lobby is the most retarded one we have in crpg
-That archery isnt amssively OP eventhough i have my very own griefs (such as loomed archery gear, epic headshot and some other stuff)
-That everyone should play at least archery one gen or two on main or an alt an to get some positive kd ratio before being all pro on forums about archery

But followind this (i read nearly every post of this forum since 2011 -Yes, I get bored in law classes) thread annoys the fuck out of me. I realise that in the arhcery lobby there are a few specimens that are as retarded as some 2h lobbyist, and yes I'm thinking of you Blindguy

But first I wish to answer to Meow post who posted his opinon and i thank him for that because he is the only member of dev team that does it (except maybe Paul who throws in some stats times to time to watch us fight like starving sharks over a piece of an australian surfer's leg).
Sadly enough you just get your ass licked by some here that take your words as truth just because you are part of the dev team. I beleive you wont take it against me if i'm opposed to your opinion and don't lick your ass ( the only thing we have in common is my mw heavy throwing axe you have in your face that I'm still waiting to retrieve from you!)

First of all trust me, when you one hit people with GLA it does create rage, like i rage when i get one hit by a morning star. rage is issued from anything that is unexpected,irrisistable...and does fuck loads of damage. Like when i throw a jarid at leshma running away that told me i did 75% damage (eventhough my testing on a clanmates alt, a plain 18/21 in medium armor  with no looms caused at best 50% damage) and comes on the thread "throwing is broken" jsut to say throwing is perflectly fine and very powerful. Or even when badplayer nearly gets his horse one shot by a thrower
But the fact you can block the axe with a block causes less rage and the player victim knows he can only blame himself (or is fucking stupid team mate for backslashing him when he was about to block.)

I dont want to seem all pro, 133t and other shit like that but I'v witnessed your playstyle very often meow on eu 1 or even pecores server, it consists of a strength build with a gla and rushing enemies lines. By doing that you create an insane clusterfuck around you where you swing your axe madly while the enemies try to gank you. While you dont care who you hit the opposing gankers oftenf ace two situations :

- or they dont give a fuck and swing as madly as you and risk team hitting or worse teamkilling
- or they are consciencious and try not to teamhit and wait for the occasion jsut to get slashed by a friendly or you when you turn around unexpected to them

result is, the damage dealt to you when you die is far inferior to the damage that you'v inflicted or that firendlies have done amongst themselves due to this chaos.

you say you take 5 arrows to kill someone, i say you cant generalise like that, all depends on the enemies build, looms etc. In average it takes me 3 to 5 arrows to kill someone
The very nature of melee gives it the opportunity of getting more kills, going "spamad" (spam-mad) in clustefucks (the number of people who jsut fail a simple block in those clusterfucks is impressive)
archery is a distance game where you dont put yourself in danger from the melee therefore the damage output isnt the same.

now this is the first thing that makes me go : "errrr no" in your post. saying to adapt to the game. I am sorry but no, this is a game, im not going to have the archery dictate what i should play, a strength build or a one hander. Even though i deeply agree that agi build are completly useless for battles and any one that makes one for battle is plain retarded, we are not going to make archery do reasanable damage to strentgh build and, oh, lets fuck the rest cuz who cares? they are cry babies anyways! Strength builds are amde to resist to damage and do good damage but lose versatality and speed (maybe the trade off isnt fair but that's another thread about "STR is imba").
Does it come to your mind that not every person that doesnt go pure strength isnt a 2h duelist my old friend that gets high on his own farts just because he owns on the duel serv?
i have loomed medium armor im not an agi build but more a balanced one and still take some heavy damage from archery.

range is easy, you just point and click take in account some elevation loss and speed travel of the target. but the main thing that makes me say that it's easy mode is you dont have someone in front of you to directlyc ontest your skill.
In melee it's very different, you have to be aware of attacks blocks chambers distance etc and when you fall on Chase the only thing you can do is hope someone is going to save your ass (or hold down block because he's jsut respecced to a piker)

I hope you wont take any of this eprsonnaly meow but somethings jsut annoyed me

And this is not talking about blindguy, you, my good sir, are one of the biggest arrogant prick this forum has, one of those guys that just gets high on your own farts, your the archer version of those 2h duelist that get high on kicking ass on duel server. you say that they are all whiners and elistest morons, but you are exactly at their level.
but your "prickness" doesnt limit itself to this thread (yes, i already said i read nearly every thread on this forum) you can find on another thread that has nothing to do with balancing.

and i see you are all pretending to be all native "connaisseurs" but i would like to recall that any 2h can also wear a shield and be an effective one hander AND shields actually have a forcefields, something you dont get here





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Re: archery..
« Reply #583 on: April 11, 2012, 09:24:28 pm »

Offline Herkkutatti

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Re: archery..
« Reply #584 on: April 11, 2012, 09:32:19 pm »
(゚、 。 7
l、 ~ヽ
じしf_, )ノ Nerf archery ,please!