I feel so sad, I want all "serious" classes to be viable and skill based.
I like my 1H(no shield) melee alt just as much as my HA main. I loved playing as a Ninja(2H) when I started cRPG.
I don't hate or dislike any class; Archer, Xbowman, Lancer, 1H cav, HA(and horse throwers), 1H/shielders, 2H, polearm; no armor, light armor, medium armor or heavy armor...I don't care how someone kills me, if I am backstabbed, shot ambushed or killed in an "honorable" duel. If my enemy manages to get the better of me then good for them, if not then good for me.
Regardless of what class I play or have played I usually die to either my own mistakes or a superior enemy(skill, numbers, etc). I cannot remember when I felt that my loss was only or largely due to "imbalance" even in the worst situation, I probably did something wrong earlier that put me in said situation.