There should be something to prevent people ignoring melee weapons and wearing armor as archers .
Naked archers with no melee capability fucks this mod up.
It's unreal , retarded and lollery ...
Bows are very accurate and very fast , archers are very fast so we have a skirmisher naked crazyass runner archers in this game...
When i google archer i see this :
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I never saw a guy like this in any server of cRPG...
Nerfing damage of bows is silly methinks .
Problem is we don't have a real medieval archer in cRPG .
With high athletics and no armor , they can run away and keep shooting therefore they don't wear armor , they dont carry any melee weapons..
Maybe tiny little possibility is that they skirmish cuz they can carry 45-72 arrows maybe this is the source of ranged retardness in cRPG ?
I really never saw an archer with 72 arrows on TV, books or movies . (Elves of Middle-earth included in what i seen )
My suggestion :
Increase the archers damage heavily , reduce their wpf penalty a lot , lower bow's accuracy , let every damn archer carry 1 quiver somehow.
Do this and let us have medium armoured longbowmen with langes messers or maybe add some variation on 1 slot 2h and polearm weapons aswell ?
skip the fun and make lvl 30 archer to see how accurate and fast the bows are. btw i'm sure i'd have way more kills if i'd have 2 times less arrows but my bow would be 2 times more accurate than its now. now i'm speaking about regular bows, not about loomed ones (maybe those are way better at acc and speed).
also if u don't take any decent weapon, you're quite dead against cavalry as an archer (of course not on all the maps or if you have sbdy protecting you, but than he can't help his infantry on the other hand).
i haven't played for long long time (like 6 months at least if not more), but compared to the past, there are way less archers and way less k:d wise performing archers than there ever used to be. if you nerf them more, there is no reason why there should be any shielders and everybody can just go 2h or cavalry.
so once again my advice: skip the fun, create lvl 30 archer, play for a few days and complain afterwards...(half of the people and their oppinions can be simply ignored here, because they have absolutely no clue what they are speaking about)