
Should ranged damage be increased?

Yes, it should
37 (47.4%)
No, leave it as is
20 (25.6%)
Yes, but only for some weapons or ammo
10 (12.8%)
No, it should be decreased even further
8 (10.3%)
3 (3.8%)

Total Members Voted: 78

Voting closed: February 07, 2012, 11:06:06 pm

Author Topic: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)  (Read 1695 times)

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[STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:06:06 pm »
It seems ranged damage (especially body shots) is too low.  I'm putting in a poll to get a general consensus on this and see if the admins and developers will take a look. 

This poll is set to expire in 5 days.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 11:07:59 pm by Garison »

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2012, 11:26:54 pm »
I'm absolutely against increased headshot damage. It only benefit low-tier bows, like horn and tatar. Now, rus/long bow are out of the game.

There is no reason to use a rus/long bow instead of low tier ones because:
- Both are two slots, so we have the curse of pickaxe fighting.
- Body damage is ridiculous. (With 6PD, MW Longbow, and MW bodkins I didn't kill a guy wearing a haubergeon with 3 arrows to the body ???????).
- We have an accuracy & drawing time penalty for having 6PD or more.
- We have a upkeep penalty.
- We can't deal with archers because we are too slow. With Long bow, just don't try.

I demand a solution. The last four patches, four archery nerfs. I'm sure that the decision of that major nerfs (ladders, damage) was a way to decrease ranged population on servers, thinking on a future buff. It's not fair and devs know it.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 11:29:52 pm by El_Infante »

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 01:52:14 am »
From the perspective of my class, archery is fine. I'm lucky to survive 3 body shots. Though I recognize that not everyone, in fact most people in cRPG, is going to wear armor at the lower amount I do. Abstaining from voting either way.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 04:46:13 am by Malaclypse »
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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 02:44:34 am »
I'm absolutely against increased headshot damage. It only benefit low-tier bows, like horn and tatar. Now, rus/long bow are out of the game.

There is no reason to use a rus/long bow instead of low tier ones because:
- Both are two slots, so we have the curse of pickaxe fighting.
- Body damage is ridiculous. (With 6PD, MW Longbow, and MW bodkins I didn't kill a guy wearing a haubergeon with 3 arrows to the body ???????).
- We have an accuracy & drawing time penalty for having 6PD or more.
- We have a upkeep penalty.
- We can't deal with archers because we are too slow. With Long bow, just don't try.

I demand a solution. The last four patches, four archery nerfs. I'm sure that the decision of that major nerfs (ladders, damage) was a way to decrease ranged population on servers, thinking on a future buff. It's not fair and devs know it.

I agree I even shot someone in the head with my MW longbow at 6 pd and he freaking survived it... Also throwers suck even more now with nearly no way to head shot the throwing lances are even worse off then they were before I can't even one shot naked guys with a 1 slot throwing weapon.

Without being able to access high places using ladders were screwed, we can't even fight on the ground with no more jump shooting/slower run speed forcing us to run farther to shoot and get caught by cav that will butcher us.

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 04:06:44 am »
Prepatch I used to be able to get 4 shotted by archers in medium armor. Now, half of shots from archers bounce off. Buff

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Offline mayincaztec

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 05:08:34 am »
Lets see:

7 PT, 115 WPF, Heavy Throwing Axes
Average shots to kill medium/heavy armor 3-6, no/light armor 2-4 (depending on HP)

6PT, 100 WPF, Strong Heavy Throwing Axes
Head Shot to the back of the head < 50% damage against armored targets

Either bring back the damage or increase the ammo stack sizes of ranged weapons.

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2012, 11:11:27 am »
I agree I even shot someone in the head with my MW longbow at 6 pd and he freaking survived it...

Prepatch some high IF hp beast's with the best helmets survived a headshot at close range with mw longbow + mw bodkins and 10PD  :!:
But it was fine and the helmet did a great job.

Now the headshot damage is totally OP and it makes all helmets useless against missiles.
On the onter hand the bodyshot damage is way to UP.

The damage system for ranged weapons should be revert to the prepatch one and it would be fine and balanced.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 11:12:38 am by _Sebastian_ »

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2012, 11:24:27 am »
Prepatch some high IF hp beast's with the best helmets survived a headshot at close range with mw longbow + mw bodkins and 10PD  :!:
But it was fine and the helmet did a great job.

Now the headshot damage is totally OP and it makes all helmets useless against missiles.
On the onter hand the bodyshot damage is way to UP.

The damage system for ranged weapons should be revert to the prepatch one and it would be fine and balanced.

Prepatch it was the same with the arbalest. I tried a few times with a clanmate. He had 24 strength, 8 IF wearing a sugerloaf helmet. Not sure if it was heirloomed or not.
Shot him in the head from about 10 meters with MW arbalest and MW steel bolts. Every time he would survive with a tiny amount of hp left.

After the damage nerfs I haven't been killed by less than 3 arrow hits or bolt hits. Headshots always drop me on the spot though, apparently regardless of the bow the shot was fired from.
Hell, I even 1 hit killed another archer with a HS on my 2PD bow wielding alt. (Just after he spawned in siege)

Needs a slight buff imo.

Possible solution could be to increase damage a bit, but restrict bodkins to 2 slot bows.
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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2012, 04:57:09 pm »
Now the headshot damage is totally OP and it makes all helmets useless against missiles.
On the onter hand the bodyshot damage is way to UP.

This. Even with Great Helmet I get oneshotted. Makes helmets totally worthless now.
The logic of war seems to be that if a belligerent can fight he will fight.

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2012, 04:58:21 pm »
There is already a thread in the general discussion about the poll?

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2012, 05:23:10 pm »
There is already a thread in the general discussion about the poll?

If you haven't noticed the ranged lobby is quite large they benefit more from their whine if they post 3 or 5 threads a day trying to get back easy mode body shots.

The only 2 ranged weapons that need a dmg buff is the xbow an throwing but is it even possible to give them that extra bit of dmg without recreating the spray n pray archers :?:
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 05:24:59 pm by Tzar »
I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2012, 05:27:51 pm »
If you haven't noticed the ranged lobby is quite large they benefit more from their whine if they post 3 or 5 threads a day trying to get back easy mode body shots.

As opposed to the old 3-5 anti-range threads a day?  :lol:

Regardless, the over-nerf is getting fixed, and while damage is not going back to what is once was, it will be slightly increased from what it is now. Also, headshot damage might be reduced a bit too (which is good because the buff made helmets near useless against range). Supposedly the two high bows will be also tweaked to be attractive alternatives once more.


Tl:dr version
Range lobby worked.  :P
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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2012, 06:03:43 pm »
If you haven't noticed the ranged lobby is quite large they benefit more from their whine if they post 3 or 5 threads a day trying to get back easy mode body shots.

This is not a range lobby post.  I am a cav player.
THis is the section for posting suggestions and balance issues.  Per forum instructions, we are to post in this section, put "[STATS]" in the subject, and make a poll.  If it gets over 50% votes from the playerbase, the devs will consider it.  I didn't see any other posts like this in this section, so there is nothing spammy, whiny, lobby-ist, or unwarranted about this post! :)

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2012, 06:04:58 pm »
As opposed to the old 3-5 anti-range threads a day?  :lol:

Regardless, the over-nerf is getting fixed, and while damage is not going back to what is once was, it will be slightly increased from what it is now. Also, headshot damage might be reduced a bit too (which is good because the buff made helmets near useless against range). Supposedly the two high bows will be also tweaked to be attractive alternatives once more.


Tl:dr version
Range lobby worked.  :P

Well, this is good.  I hope the fix goes far enough, as it seemed quite balanced before!

Also, we should be careful how we fix it.  Consider this: the ranged was nerfed so that headshots were automatic kills and body shots were very weak.  If we make body shots slightly better and make headshots no longer auto-kills, it would in effect be another nerf!  The strength of the current ranged situation (headshots) would be removed and the weakness of ranged (body shots) getting only a slight improvement.  Just a thought.

-a non-ranged lobbyist, just a crpg player (cav/inf). :)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 06:08:06 pm by Garison »

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Re: [STATS] Ranged Damage Should be Increased? (poll)
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2012, 06:18:31 pm »
Crossbow damage was fine last patch.  With arbalests, Heavier helms were capable of protecting against one hit kill headshots, and anything above mail virtually guaranteed a 2 shot kill.  Light armour coupled with ironflesh could also protect the player from one shot kills at all but point blank ranges.

Now, with a masterwork arbalest, it can take 4 or more chest hits to kill someone with 50+ body armour.  It's just plain daft.  The damage is not a valid return on, the cost, the slot size, nor the reload time of the weapon.
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