Inspired by Tomas' idea for an "additional crafting skill" (,25202.0.html ) I thought about the chadz-Text-System a little bit:
I might have wrong informations so feel free to correct:
How it is ATM:
All thy hard work..." (chadzText) is
totally random-chadztext can come at any time and gives you +3 craftingskill in alll the items your wearing
-chadztext gives a -1 craftingskill in craftingskills of items your NOT wearing
my hard work really pay of? I do NOT feel like it!
I know of someone how got the chadztext
7 times in one generation while i only got it
1 in 3 Generations. Why isnt my hard work worth the same as the other guys hard work?
Problem I see with Chadstext at this moment:
The randomness of this system makes it can hit you when you just retired and wear crappy stuff and so screw up your crafting skills with a -1 skill. You can get it even if you dont want it. And if you want it ( i do at the moment) there is nothing you can to to at least increase your chance of getting it. you cant ebven be sure that you get it in a generation.
So possible things that could be changed:
-make the chadztext not show up between level 1 and 15(?) so your lowlevel equipment doesnt screw up your crafting skills (and if you want low level items craftable in strat you can allways wear them later on)
-At least 1 chadztext per generation somewhere random inbetween level 20 and 30:
You dont know when it comes and you dont know how many others might come but you can be sure you will get at least ONE so your hard work does pay of!
If your lucky you can get more than one with the same randomnes like today but you wont have a generation without at least one chadztext.
( all level numbers are only examples and can be tweaked ;) )