
Once inside city fiefs you have access to a global market

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Author Topic: Global Strat Market (revised)  (Read 913 times)

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Global Strat Market (revised)
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:25:34 pm »
After taking on board what people had to say in this thread I have taken another look at what I was preposing.

I've summed the idea up in two points.

1) Globaly Visble strat market place. Enter a city fief and you can see what is availble to buy anywhere in caladria.
2) You must collect the equipment. You can pay for it from any fief but doing so incures taxes at both ends.

Addition ideas;

Posting items annoynimously. (Easier than finding a fence. :D)
posting items as an auction.

Edit ^
I should probably post this in the suggestion section but its about strat and we all know that three "suggestion" Subforums are for trolling.

The idea is that once you go into a city fief you can buy things from anywhere on the map. Meaning that anytime you put gear up for sale you don't have to find a hot spot city to drop it off in.

Distance "bonus" or penalties should be applied as well, but not at the huge rate of goods caravaning. I was thinking the seller could get 5% commision on the bonus and the rest could disapear.

But to stop gear teleporting you would have to make the pick up system limit it to the fief it was put up in. Also to stop clans mass teleporting goods there should be a 5 hour cool down and a bidding system. So if you put your 1000 Heraldic Mails up on the market for 1 gold each then you are just going to end up in a bidding war until you either loose or pay what you paid to craft them.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 05:08:13 am by FRANK_THE_TANK »
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Re: Global Strat Market
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 11:34:53 pm »
So what you are asking is that items on a City Marketplace can be viewed and bought from any other city, but that the buyer still has to then go and pick them up?

So long as the gold gets transferred instantly then I see this as a good thing.  The selling city gets the transaction tax as well which will make owning cities very much better value than now.

Overall +1 for me :D


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Re: Global Strat Market
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 11:40:31 pm »
Actauly I want the item to be sent to the player that buys them. But a distance cost to be add on (one you can see).

But if you put and item up say 100 MW arbalests and then go to a city and stop the transaction. You then have to go back and pick them up.

Transaction tax is a good point. If we are being all feudilitic and pooping on the WTO then I think both cities should add thier tax to it.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 11:41:55 pm by FRANK_THE_TANK »
Fammi un pompino!

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Re: Global Strat Market
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 04:14:50 am »
Maybe not a global market, but cities could connect to other cities nearby and share a common marketplace, you wouldn't necessarily be able to import goods from other cities, but you could "hear" what was available, and thus reduce the amount of cities you have to visit searching for something specific. Cities far away would only be renowned for large numbers of expensive items, while cities close to each other could see a wider selection.

Allowing delivery of goods from city to city would reduce the ability for bandits to intercept caravans, and allow clans to easily transport large armies and resources great distances, but I see no reason why people should have to spend weeks trying to find some leather vests or whatever.

You could also post an order for items, and if they are in another city, someone else could run and pick them up and deliver them to you, for whatever fee you might agree on.
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Re: Global Strat Market
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2012, 02:27:00 am »
The difficult thing is selling. Finding stuff is so impossible that I don't know why you would bother. It would be faster to just post on the forums asking if people have crafting in what your after.

It has a lot of potential, I think its really worth sorting out.

Also I believe that if there were a 48 hour bidding period with a reserve price clans wouldn't be able to use that effectivly to teleport gear. Its would just cost too much. And if we did get to the point where they were willing to pay huge fees to do it, would it really mean much? Either everyone would be keeping up more or less or be completely doomed.

What about if instead instant travle goods travled at 30mpm. Maybe you loose 1 point of speed for evey 100 units to a minimum speed of 8mpm.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 03:28:07 am by FRANK_THE_TANK »
Fammi un pompino!

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Re: Global Strat Market
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2012, 03:28:24 am »
Stupid double posting grrrrr
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Re: Global Strat Market
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2012, 04:20:21 am »
So what you are asking is that items on a City Marketplace can be viewed and bought from any other city, but that the buyer still has to then go and pick them up?

I would vote yes to this.  It's basically how the market in POTBS works.  You can go to any market and see/search globally, but then you have to go and pick it up.

I would vote no to anything that causes goods to teleport.
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Re: Global Strat Market
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2012, 10:06:06 am »
Yeah I played potsBS, horrible game.

Even if crap doesn't crawl its way over to you. I do think you should be able to see everything being sold in the market.

It would be a boon for lone smiths and small clans. They would be able to make money off the success of the larger clans by selling them gear in a none insane way. At the moment you have to put stuff up on the strat market place thread and people never seem to reply to it :/
Fammi un pompino!

I think I have ball cancer in my right nut :(
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