After taking on board what people had to say in this thread I have taken another look at what I was preposing.
I've summed the idea up in two points.
1) Globaly Visble strat market place. Enter a city fief and you can see what is availble to buy anywhere in caladria.
2) You must collect the equipment. You can pay for it from any fief but doing so incures taxes at both ends.
Addition ideas;
Posting items annoynimously. (Easier than finding a fence.

posting items as an auction.
Edit ^
I should probably post this in the suggestion section but its about strat and we all know that three "suggestion" Subforums are for trolling.
The idea is that once you go into a city fief you can buy things from anywhere on the map. Meaning that anytime you put gear up for sale you don't have to find a hot spot city to drop it off in.
Distance "bonus" or penalties should be applied as well, but not at the huge rate of goods caravaning. I was thinking the seller could get 5% commision on the bonus and the rest could disapear.
But to stop gear teleporting you would have to make the pick up system limit it to the fief it was put up in. Also to stop clans mass teleporting goods there should be a 5 hour cool down and a bidding system. So if you put your 1000 Heraldic Mails up on the market for 1 gold each then you are just going to end up in a bidding war until you either loose or pay what you paid to craft them.