Well this is not a more fun/less fun easy and open shot case.
Personally i liked ladders in siege. However, after a while we were that trained in putting em up that on a lot of castles we could bypass nearly half the defence and cap the flag in like under a minute. I can understand that this was frustrating for some people, however, 1)as defender you should know the weak spots in your defence 2)you could allways join HRE and enjoy our awesome laddering.
I can accept that ladders are gone, and that we now have to assault the castles the way they are ment to be assaulted. BUT some siege maps are rly built in a retarded way that makes it impossible to cap the flag without ladders. My favourite in this one is the castle with the massive, useless courtyard (nobody ever walks there) with a keep with a double spiralling set of stairs. Without ladders it takes you 1.30 mins of walking be4 you can even start killing people. Any1 with some siege experience knows that this is plainly retarded. I can understand that the map maker is a amateur-architect IRL and that he spontaneously jizzed in his pants by the sight of his Escher-like double stairwell, but maps like this make experienced players on attackers side just GTX, hence imbalancing the further course of the round even more.
If you want to keep siege ladder free, then the maps that are nearly uncappable without them should be removed from rotation.