I have a nordic sword (viking sword, unsure about the english name for it. Very similar to an arming sword) a bow, arrows with a badass leather quiver (not fantasy badass but historically right badass) and a dagger. You want that you archer scum. I know it
You cute bitch
Also, tea is awesome. I love it. And you're getting closer and closer to 200 guys. KEEP IT GOING
Longswords (plastic and steel), Dussacks (leather and steel), Rapiers (43 inch and 37 inch), Saber, Glaive, Bearded axe, Rondel, Main Gauche, and just for fun a Seax.
To go along with which I have 4-1 pattern high tensile chainmail, gambeson, and steel mitten gauntlets. All of which I have for practical reasons of course, sparring, experimental anthropology, and general interest. Very few historians have an interest in the actual tools of warfare, as evidenced by their incredible lack of knowledge of some aspects of historical warfare (fallen knights couldn't get up, swords were heavy and non-dexterous). I'd rather form my own opinion firsthand.