Author Topic: Banned without reasons?  (Read 595 times)

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Offline Knight_of_the_Death

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Banned without reasons?
« on: January 21, 2012, 10:01:04 pm »
I was kicked from EU servers and then find out that i was banned.
Wasnt teamkilling, wasnt leeching, havent seen any warnings from admins, just get banned....
So please tell me what happend, cause i havent noticed that i do something forbidden, or unban

Game nick: Fat_assed_mousE
« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 10:03:22 pm by Knight_of_the_Death »

Offline Mustikki

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Re: Banned without reasons?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2012, 10:21:30 pm »
I was witnessing this, when you were running several rounds with only tunic+wooden stick.
I didn't intervene for your actions because my wife got me distracted with her dancing.  :mrgreen:

But to the point. If you use rags (no upkeep) gear and rush in straight line to enemy team, even when trying to fight, but clearly on purpose to get killed very early in the round, you are considered as suicide runner.

This is the reason for a leeching ban. And that you should very well know, as you have 19 Generation 30 level character.

ps. Oh yeah. Almoust forgot to mention. You already had 3 bans from leeching and 1 from griefing before this one. Next time its propably an essay, so quit these actions at once.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 10:23:42 pm by Mustikki »

Offline Knight_of_the_Death

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Re: Banned without reasons?
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2012, 10:48:05 pm »
I was autorunning few times, but only in round start cause iam lazy to hold W all the time while running to enemy. There actually was 1-2 times when i leaved my room with auto-running character (per all day), so its not all the time auto-run aboozing.

Iam earning money to buy some things on market and last time i spent a lot on EU melee and nordmen servers.
Only today i spent 15k playing on eu1 in my best gear! So, i cant use armor all the time, and its (i guess) my right to choose what gear iam using.

All admins always tell players if they are doing something forbidden, i havent seen any warns... Yeah, i was in peasant clothes with stick, but i WASNT leeching, even if iam in light gear iam fighting enemy in hope that i will help my team, especially because with 9 ps i can kill someone by 2-3 hits even with stick...

I dont see any reasons for this ban, and ask for:
       Explanation of real reasons for ban and how long is it, or..
       Unbanning me.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 10:50:40 pm by Knight_of_the_Death »

Offline Mustikki

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Re: Banned without reasons?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2012, 11:14:07 pm »
Tip: Buy medium gear visitors can't see pics , please register or login

and use it when your running low on cash.

"right to choose what gear i am using"
Sure it is, but also take in consider: If your using no upkeep rags, run straight to the enemy to fight at early round, there is high chances to get banned from leeching when your character is also high level.

Ujin did set the unban time at: 22.01.2012 06:49:43.

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Re: Banned without reasons?
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2012, 11:44:11 pm »
If you're making money it doesn't mean that you should be suiciding every round . I've watched you do it many times on multiple occasions on different days. You DID receive warnings ,then you got banned and not even once.I thought by now you'd get the message.

In any case, Mustikki posted the unban date, just get yourself some light equipment to use and "help your team" with. Running into  a crowd of enemies in the beggining of the round doesn't count.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 11:45:12 pm by Ujin »

Offline Knight_of_the_Death

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Re: Banned without reasons?
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2012, 01:22:39 am »
If you're making money it doesn't mean that you should be suiciding every round . I've watched you do it many times on multiple occasions on different days. You DID receive warnings ,then you got banned and not even once.I thought by now you'd get the message.

Dude, there was 1 ban, when i just started playing cRPG and didnt know the rules, that was my fist ban.
Then i had 2 or 3 bans by mustikki, and all of them was WITHOUT any WARNINGS for using peasant gear, and mustikki didnt even consider that like 70% of all  playing time i was using 10- 70k upkeep gear... banned me like i had been in peasant clothes permanently.

There actually was 1-2 times when i leaved my room with auto-running character.
Yes, its true. But if i would suicide in the round start for all the time, i suppose i dont have 6 kills per map on the average and 1:1 K:D ratio...

I wanna to add that i have never heard anything from admins/on forums about pretending of been peasant.
Yeah, thare are a common sence and some other things, but why do i observe how mustikki bans people for all the time without warnings? Well, maby its not true, but exactly i have never seen any warns from him when he bans other players.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 01:36:29 am by Knight_of_the_Death »