Author Topic: Remember Remember the 23rd of December  (Read 22883 times)

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #90 on: January 19, 2012, 08:04:14 pm »
Those are actually husband and wife playing from one IP,
that would be the fourth "I should be IP banned and never return to cRPG again" for Nocti.

Easy enough to tell if they are using different computers.  Even the most primitive network detection tools (that any server SHOULD be running) will show the MAC address of the transmitter.  It's easy enough to spoof, but I'm assuming that's how they know if people are multi-accounting, or if their brother/roommate/wife are playing on a separate computer.

And nocti's not trying to be a hero, he gives the dev's a lead to look into, and it goes a month without being addressed?  He's in the right to post the information publicly (even if it's just accusations).  He may be right, or may be wrong, but at least look into it...
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #91 on: January 20, 2012, 12:44:17 am »

This will be checked at a time chosen by the people who can look into it, not at a time Nocti decided to make it public.
Fixing mechanics that make this a problem in the first place for example would be a way better option to spend that time on to be honest but this is all about the hate.

Can we now get back to derailing this?

It's very inconsiderate to just brush aside the issue Noctivagant posed. Your a developer, surely you're suppose to make the gaming experience better for the people. It sure isn't when multi-accounting and looms for cash is around, and it sure isn't when you are shutting down a player's opinion on the game. Please, at least look into the issue, Noctivagant gave you a helpful lead and it's up to you and the developers or moderators to look into it.
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #92 on: January 20, 2012, 01:15:02 am »
Yeah, I'm waiting, 24/7 on this bitch ass thread for bans, especially considering when Loki reports a Strategus bug but nothing is ever done about it, then over a month later when we used it like all the other bug abusing clans you destroyed 1000 tickets of ours, not that the tickets themself are an issue, it's the meaning behind it, yeah I'm waiting for these douche nozzles to get their punishments.

Oh wait, you're not going to follow it up because Nocti got tired of waiting for the devs to do something about it so he released the information to the community, the community which is essentially the only reason why this mod has any reason to exist and deserves to know this shit if the devs cannot do something about it in 6 weeks, it takes 5 minutes to see their threads about loom selling, which is a major breech of a mods existence.

Fix up , you can't expect people to sit silently for months when they know a bunch of bundle of stickss are breaking the game rules they do their best to abide by.

Post aside yes I am slightly beered up, but I'm pissed with shit like this, stop my old friendging around the bush and treating different clans/situations diferently. Man up and lay the punishments down then maybe people wont do shit like this in the first place.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 01:18:07 am by Leesin »

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #93 on: January 20, 2012, 03:44:28 am »
Lets check the irc history (no I'm not going to paste conversations here to make a point)

Lets check more incidents and lets see what happened.

Asked Braeden, why he gave such a low warnings to someone who is selling private information of player
Braeden said he lack evidence on  November 09, 2011, 18:49:36
Got the evidence on                       November 09, 2011, 19:38:36

Solved instantly

December 28 Reported Kapikulu gold/item transfer bug to Meow
December 28 Reported Kapikulu gold/item transfer bug to cmp
December 29 Reported Kapikulu gold/item transfer bug to chadz

Solved instantly

Jan 08 2012 Asked a question about character transfer to Espu
Jan 09 2012 Meow logged into the character and found fishy stuff
Jan 09 2012 A small amount of Russian players got banned instantly
Jan 09 2012 Meow removed RucRPG 2 from Data base

Solved instantly

First asked cmp about multi-acounting  on December 19 2012
Informed Meow about multi-accounting on December 24 2012
Informed chadz about multi-accounting on December 29 2012
Reported Marketplace transfers for IRL money to cmp on January 12 2012
Reported Marketplace transfers for IRL money on Meow  January 12 2012

Not even looked into

Jan 11 20:09:46 <Noctivagant>   cmp why you guys are not doing anything about multiacc anymore
Jan 11 20:09:54 <Noctivagant>   every other xploit gets banned in a day
Jan 11 20:10:08 <Noctivagant>   i slowly got the feeling nothing will be done at all
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Jan 12 04:57:35 2012

And why the hell people are working to shut me up and never checking the case?

Nebun, you were an admin. Why didn't you report the Russian market?
Harpag, whats your history in cheating? yet you have nerve to lecture people about honesty?
If Dubiena is Hanich's wife, what was she doing in defending side against STR and who the hell is Dubina?
Whats up with the names like Buzdugan, Rohmir etc. kept attacking Mercs and never showed up in a single roster?
If Drz is so mighty why they cannot come up with a full Drz roster for once? They are inactive? if inactivity is the case how they can have that much land and endless lordly and masterwork equipment?

There are far too many questions in my head.

But its easy to say "oh noc is insane" and closing the case without looking at it for once.

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #94 on: January 20, 2012, 05:29:58 am »
Sorry moderator nocti, let me help you.,5.0.html

This is where a ban requests should go. GL!

(click to show/hide)

But seriously man, your a Merc Leader. Seems a bit unfair to have your members suffer from the hate you generate.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 05:43:01 am by Jambi »
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #95 on: January 20, 2012, 06:03:28 am »
Sorry moderator nocti, let me help you.,5.0.html

This is where a ban requests should go. GL!

(click to show/hide)

But seriously man, your a Merc Leader. Seems a bit unfair to have your members suffer from the hate you generate.

You've been warned by the admins for your forum/ingame attitude against Mercs and you've been told that if you go on there will be consequences.
You kept spam reporting Merc replies to get them in trouble and you've received warning for that.
When Muffin became an admin you tried to get him into trouble immediately.,23569.msg341141.html#msg341141
If you care about public opinion that much, maybe you should start working on yourself.

Fyi : This is not a ban request, This is a Strategus related subject which has to be investigated. The word ban was mentioned for once and its about me, no one else.

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #96 on: January 20, 2012, 06:04:39 am »

Why do you bother posting? You seemingly follow Nocti around the forums and post crap at him... Why? (Rhetorical question in case you didn't know). I have little affiliation with Mercs or Nocti but i'm rather bored of your constant harrassment of them...

With regards to the subject at hand, personally i'm at an impass, it's good to see that members of the community have enough want to see things to be the best they can, in this case, with the fairness across the game.
Although I don't agree with Nocti posting this publically, I understand why he has done it, as some others have stated, I too would be frustrated having taken the time and effort to collect this and then have it seemingly ignored (which I am quite sure it hasn't been.)

It's certainly stirred some feelings up however, which might in turn pull through some action to be taken but unfortunately I only see things going one way, some sort of mass cover up if the accused were doing said things and this thread falling to one massive hate spreading mission for either side.
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #97 on: January 20, 2012, 07:29:38 am »
Jambi has childhood difficulties but what he doesn't realize is that internet is not his therapist.

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #98 on: January 20, 2012, 08:48:51 am »
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And my nose started to bleed while I was reading this, it is quite an epic thread.
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #99 on: January 20, 2012, 09:03:53 am »
Nebun, you were an admin. Why didn't you report the Russian market?

See, this is a very good question. I went into a week or so ago, looking for some random info on some clan and was surprised to find that "marketplace" thread there, very out in the open, with people trading looms for $ with zero effort to hide it. Was even more surprised to see for how long it had been going on and at what scale... AND with the support of that board's moderators! It's almost as if you lot were DARING someone to do about it! :?
I won't comment on the multi-accounting stuff and the rest of it, that is for devs to work out.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 09:08:50 am by [ptx] »

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #100 on: January 20, 2012, 09:05:11 am »
I sence a conspiracy against nocti  8-),24355.0.html <----- Instantly to the watch list
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 09:46:18 am by joosto »
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #101 on: January 20, 2012, 09:11:28 am »
Maybe Comrades are donating a good amount of their hard-earned rubles back into "development" of cRPG which means they'll never get banned.  :wink:
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #102 on: January 20, 2012, 09:36:58 am »
You've been warned by the admins for your forum/ingame attitude against Mercs and you've been told that if you go on there will be consequences.
You kept spam reporting Merc replies to get them in trouble and you've received warning for that.
When Muffin became an admin you tried to get him into trouble immediately.,23569.msg341141.html#msg341141
If you care about public opinion that much, maybe you should start working on yourself.

Fyi : This is not a ban request, This is a Strategus related subject which has to be investigated. The word ban was mentioned for once and its about me, no one else.

Well excuuuse me.

With the whole anonymous act you tried to do, how could i have known you were so serious.

Tbh ,I give you advice and i made a little joke about the anonymous thing. Im not allowed too do that ? How can you see this as a serious troll or harassment.
I think i ask you a fair question, about the you hate generate and your clan members. I mean there´s people in Mercs wich i talk too and care about.

Why do you bother posting? You seemingly follow Nocti around the forums and post crap at him... Why? (Rhetorical question in case you didn't know). I have little affiliation with Mercs or Nocti but i'm rather bored of your constant harrassment of them...

Right. i do post a reply too Nocti sometimes. But i dont seemingly follow him around, actually i dont even follow him around at all. I do follow drama around tho, i cant help it that Nocti is usually around too when there´s drama. I think you put too much attention on me, while others have free playground
Have you ever noticed the people that keep replying to every post i make? No ? Well time to open your eyes Tenne. There´s people way worse out there then me, that directly personal insult people on these forums.
You´ll never hear me complain about people insulting me, exception for Gingerpussy who clearly went too far.

Jambi has childhood difficulties but what he doesn't realize is that internet is not his therapist.

This could be seen as harassment and insulting imo. But i dont care, its whats expected from the crpg community. I read it, and move on. Doesnt bother me in the slightest.
For some people i can see this clearly being a reply to be butthurt over.

I dont see how my reply to Nocti is in anyway insulting or harassment.
But ofcourse handing out warnings to Jambi in public, good way to gain favor points from the ingnorant mass.

But anyways i dont want to derail this thread.

Lets move on with these serious accusations covered in the jokingly `anonymous` writing style
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 10:15:50 am by Jambi »
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #103 on: January 20, 2012, 10:06:41 am »
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If you have anything to say about the subject, please do it. If not, please make a new thread about yourself. This topic is not about you or your personal problems with people. Deal with it somewhere else.
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #104 on: January 20, 2012, 10:35:06 am »
If you have anything to say about the subject, please do it. If not, please make a new thread about yourself. This topic is not about you or your personal problems with people. Deal with it somewhere else.
But anyways i dont want to derail this thread.

Was on it already. But thanks for the reminder  :wink:
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 10:39:48 am by Jambi »
Love will tear us apart.
Also, most fucked up brain of the year award goes to jambi. Well done.