In a game where skill is king, there remains one bane to it all: crushthrough. Why?
1.) it crushes through blocks. unless you have a +3 steel shield and 10 shield, you're gonna get crushthrough spammed.
I thought shield skill doesn't save you from crushthroughs.
2.) if it crushes through, it knocks down too. combined, this equates to balls.
You make it sound like it's guaranteed while it's something like 40%ish chance (depends on weapon, but a bit under 40% on great maul and 30% on pole version).
3.) its almost an insta kill most of the time. this is abused constantly on siege.
Seriously? It's high blunt but if you wear armor you'll definitely have a second chance if you don't get knocked down.
4.) its almost always used by trolls. and trolls are gay.
Also used by some players who excel at using the crappy weapons that have this feature.
Seriously, the weapons with crushthrough are slow as hell and in case of the more common great maul, short as hell. If you're onehand user you should spam them and/or range control - the 1h swords outreach the great maul. If you're a polearm/twohand user you should range control them.
It's a weapon that kills terrible people fast. Sure, I get beaten by maulers when they're actually good players, but average people with mauls are just hillarious to kill.
It's a nice mechanic and as long as the stuff that has it is fairly niche I see no reason to make the combat less diverse.