...unless there already is one.
But essentially you have to sort through a lot of shit to find good suggestions, and you have to sort through even MORE shit to find people who will seriously and (in as un-biased a manner as possible) discuss the ramifications of those changes. Yes this thread is made on the heels of the recent patch in response to the archery nerf specifically. But really I've seen a lot of patch change reversions in the year I've played cRPG, and while I'm not suggesting all problems will be caught, having a smaller group of hand picked forum goers to be allowed to post/view that forum might help get things done by rooting out some of the 'bad apple' ideas and pushing some of the good ideas to the forefront.
It might make things feel a bit less schizophrenic, and will also (hopefully) remove some of the blatant lobbying and whining that is rampant whenever anything is suggested for change.