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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #90 on: August 09, 2012, 07:32:13 pm »
I read Meow's post. So? It was obviously directed to Bjord and you. I was merely expressing my opinion about your unusual rage about being kicked (not even banned) once. And I stand to it.

And calling the kick absurd while posting one wall of text after the other about it is ironic... btw, yes, I actually read all of it.
All the effort you put into all those posts... to which achievement? You really think you gonna get Eyebeat removed over one kick?
Besides, reading this I can't stop getting the impression of you being the "madman" and Eyebeat being the "calm and relaxed" guy. That is kinda not working in your favour...

Anyway, it is not my business and I know that but this is such an unusual behaviour that I couldn't resist to comment on it and maybe put the whole thing into some perspective. I mean... it's about one single kick, right?  :rolleyes:
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #91 on: August 09, 2012, 07:34:31 pm »
Ehhh the Cat not in charge of the NA admins (through he always there to give advice and help).
Shik is in charge of the NA admins.

Not too sure why your still going on in the incident, through Eyebeat may have been his faults (He is human) it's not really needed to it drag out. (Seems like you got a history with him maybe? Since your digging this deep.)

With the logs they normally take 3 or more days to update to the site.

I believe I had more admin abooze problems than eyebeat, with the short amount of time of me being a admin compare to him.

I also see you brought up the LLJK incident too as an ex-lljk member never really had a problem with eyebeat.

Ok then my questions in my previous post are directed to shik not meow. I have no history with eyebeat, never in the same clan, never even part of the same "faction" in strat. And no offense to you but arent 20% of the posts in this thread you posting "playfully" with eyebeat, you seem to be his biggest fan. Im dragging this on for the reason stated above, we only have one server. This is not a popular game like counter strike where if the admin is not good i can just go somewhere else and not play there. If we only have one server we need to make sure that the admins are doing what they are supposed to. And why should anyone have objections to admins being held to a standard or being held accountable for their actions, i cant say ive ever seen that happen in CRPG myself, but it should.

I read Meow's post. So? It was obviously directed to Bjord and you. I was merely expressing my opinion about your unusual rage about being kicked (not even banned) once. And I stand to it.

And calling the kick absurd while posting one wall of text after the other about it is ironic... btw, yes, I actually read all of it.
All the effort you put into all those posts... to which achievement? You really think you gonna get Eyebeat removed over one kick?
Besides, reading this I can't stop getting the impression of you being the "madman" and Eyebeat being the "calm and relaxed" guy. That is kinda not working in your favour...

Anyway, it is not my business and I know that but this is such an unusual behaviour that I couldn't resist to comment on it and maybe put the whole thing into some perspective. I mean... it's about one single kick, right?  :rolleyes:

What is ironic about it, why would i write so much and be so upset with what has happend if eyebeat had not infact abused his powers. As i said i was punished once before and i accepted it even under those conditions. If i had got off my horse, ran up to eyebeat, nad hit him 4 times killing him and he banned me, id accept that as i was wrong.

I know that the admin section is basically a trash bin for accusations of abuse. The fact that there is little to no oversight is a severe problem, especially as i had said, one group of admins basically controls all of the active servers. As i said in my post which you claimed you read, his attitude here is probably a facade, and i dont know how mad i would be if i knowling kicked someoen who did nothing that was techniqually wrong, he got his revenge against me. If i were in his position i would feel like i let my emotions get the best of me and maybe even feel a little bad about it, i would also have the ability to admit i was wrong and apologize for it, however eyebeat seems to think he is actaully in some danger and is refuseing to do so fearing reprocusions. I have no problems with genuine mistakes, but lieing about it isnt good, and the fact it was done in the first place due to lack of self control is a problem if your an admin. And again many people who know him paint him as being a "madman", you, someone who doesnt know him at all and never delt with him, think he isnt.

I know what im saying is falling on deaf ears, but that doesnt mean you shouldn't stand up for whats right. And it has little to do with the kick itself, its about why he kicked me, and how he is not held accountable for his actions.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 07:44:27 pm by Lemmy_Winks »
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #92 on: August 09, 2012, 07:36:45 pm »
After actually being there but not witnessing it:  Let it go man.

I probably would of kicked you too if you ran over me with no other enemies around.  Especially with eyebeat in his cloth, a few horse bumps and hes dead.

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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #93 on: August 09, 2012, 07:49:01 pm »
After actually being there but not witnessing it:  Let it go man.

I probably would of kicked you too if you ran over me with no other enemies around.  Especially with eyebeat in his cloth, a few horse bumps and hes dead.

So you'd kick someone with no warning or explanation who had to turn sharply to avoid being shot by an archer(how does the archer not count as an emey? Just becusae they attack you from a distance doesnt mean they arent around or a threat to you) and accidentally ran you over (the vast majority of players wouldnt even hit m). What does damage have to do with anything, intent is all that matters. Not to mention i was going just barely fast enough to actually run him over, if he takes damage from that its not my fault, he chose to play an agility build class with no armor hes gota deal with the downsides of that not take out his frusterations on me.

Also i cannot even remember the last time i saw someone running around intentionally tking people and needed to be kicked. Heuy is gone. Admins are here to support the community, but often times they make a problem out of something that isnt a problem, or overreact, and end up hurting more then they are helping. Sometimes less is more, over-management is not a good thing.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 07:56:54 pm by Lemmy_Winks »
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #94 on: August 09, 2012, 08:54:30 pm »
Can you please keep your wannabe justice guy bullshit out of this thread?
You have no idea what he does as an admin, obviously 90% of the stuff in all feedback threads are people who are pissed at the admin in question which is the whole purpose of this forum but obviously you completely missed that.
Most likely for the same reason you miss 90% of all other theads because you don't read but just post, stop that now.

Also espu has nothing to do with NA admins so stop trying to scare people with your misinformation.



I read everything, trust me. The only time I don't is when I'm using my iPod, and when I am I wouldn't bother reading all of those text walls. Maybe instead of calling me a wannabe you could bother to read my post properly and refrain from being prejudicial towards my posts, solely because I am the one making said posts.

If you are able, please give me a good reason why I should not shed light on matters? If EyeBeat is acting on emotion rather than calculation, he either needs a good slap on the wrist or he should resign by himself. Admining a gaming community is not something that should be taken lightly.

Also, calling me a wannabe is pretty uncalled for, don't think you should just insult me for no further reason other than on the assumption that I "don't read just post". Interesting, though. I'd like to learn this technique of not reading and still posting on-topic.

Just a valid opinion, Meow: If you're going to have a position in a community that has authority, don't start insulting people. It gives others idea that it's okay to bash someone for no more of a reason than contempt.

That goes for all admins.

EDIT: I am not saying that Lemmy is right or EyeBeat is right, I am just lifting valid points that should be at the very least contemplated over. I have nothing against the two, and any personal opinion of the two players had no affect on my post. Justice guy is an awesome super hero name though. :mrgreen:
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 09:00:06 pm by Bjord »
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #95 on: August 09, 2012, 08:58:48 pm »
chadz most important rule of all: Common sense.

So ya at what point is an admin punished or removed, its overly absurd to only remove an admin for doing somethign so bad as blanket banning, even the worst admins can easily avoid doing that, and its hard to prove personal biased to some extent, even smoothrich is still an admin and if you cant see hes biased from his endless sea of anti hospitaller posts well i dont know what to say about that, also ive heard about him back in the day not punishing his fellow LLJK goon squad members for their antics and i wouldnt be surprised if he was hard on hospitaller in the present.

Haha.  I don't mind your posting here since it can be frustrating to feel wronged/experience injustice especially when you realize that people can either ignore it, dismiss it, or twist it into things being your fault, but at least in this circumstance there's not much to be said or to do except report what happened and move on.  Now if this was a real life issue like whistleblowing on a criminal or some really damaging/hurtful corruption or abuse then it needs to really be pursued with this sort of drive, but over a videogame kick eeh.  If there are more incidents for you or anyone to report they can be documented here but I think this matter is done for now.

As for me, I see no rules in the admin handbook telling me I can't say Hospitallers were awful to play strat with and to make fun of some of their posting, plenty of terrible posting to laugh at on these forums.  However I don't really care what clan someone is in or w/e if people break rules or grief bad they get warned/kicked/banned. I've always been pretty lenient really, but some of the longest bans I've given out are to LLJK players who I banned repeatedly in the past and/or got to give verbal warnings to over TS instead of just pink text in game.  Annoying LLJK griefers/trolls would ruin my gametime just like anyone else's.

I mean really if I am using admin powers its because someone is ruining the game for others by doing stupid shit like team killing at spawn or extreme racism in chat, that is literally all being a (non shit) admin for this game comes down to, and I think the admins do a good job in general for the servers.  Not many servers to choose from and a pretty small player base for this game, so I hope all us admins do what we can to keep civility on the servers and player retention high for chadz google ad income!
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #96 on: August 09, 2012, 09:01:49 pm »
Haha.  I don't mind your posting here since it can be frustrating to feel wronged/experience injustice especially when you realize that people can either ignore it, dismiss it, or twist it into things being your fault, but at least in this circumstance there's not much to be said or to do except report what happened and move on.  Now if this was a real life issue like whistleblowing on a criminal or some really damaging/hurtful corruption or abuse then it needs to really be pursued with this sort of drive, but over a videogame kick eeh.  If there are more incidents for you or anyone to report they can be documented here but I think this matter is done for now.

Couldn't have said it better.
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #97 on: August 09, 2012, 09:28:51 pm »

I read everything, trust me. The only time I don't is when I'm using my iPod, and when I am I wouldn't bother reading all of those text walls. Maybe instead of calling me a wannabe you could bother to read my post properly and refrain from being prejudicial towards my posts, solely because I am the one making said posts.

If you are able, please give me a good reason why I should not shed light on matters? If EyeBeat is acting on emotion rather than calculation, he either needs a good slap on the wrist or he should resign by himself. Admining a gaming community is not something that should be taken lightly.

Also, calling me a wannabe is pretty uncalled for, don't think you should just insult me for no further reason other than on the assumption that I "don't read just post". Interesting, though. I'd like to learn this technique of not reading and still posting on-topic.

Just a valid opinion, Meow: If you're going to have a position in a community that has authority, don't start insulting people. It gives others idea that it's okay to bash someone for no more of a reason than contempt.

That goes for all admins.

EDIT: I am not saying that Lemmy is right or EyeBeat is right, I am just lifting valid points that should be at the very least contemplated over. I have nothing against the two, and any personal opinion of the two players had no affect on my post. Justice guy is an awesome super hero name though. :mrgreen:

Good job missing my point, now make sure you don't threaten admins with false info again.

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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #98 on: August 09, 2012, 09:50:31 pm »
Haha.  I don't mind your posting here since it can be frustrating to feel wronged/experience injustice especially when you realize that people can either ignore it, dismiss it, or twist it into things being your fault, but at least in this circumstance there's not much to be said or to do except report what happened and move on.  Now if this was a real life issue like whistleblowing on a criminal or some really damaging/hurtful corruption or abuse then it needs to really be pursued with this sort of drive, but over a videogame kick eeh.  If there are more incidents for you or anyone to report they can be documented here but I think this matter is done for now.

Your right smooth, i probably should have made the first post and moved on and ignored eyebeats first two posts in response, which i viewed as being very dismissive, i felt like i was takling to a customer service rep who couldn't care less about my problem. Thanks for understanding where im coming from, im done with this its wasting too much of my time, its just a video game.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 09:56:14 pm by Lemmy_Winks »
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #99 on: August 09, 2012, 11:24:14 pm »
Good job missing my point, now make sure you don't threaten admins with false info again.

False info? That wasn't me lol. Lemmy was the one saying Espu would come crashing down on him. If that was the point of your post then yes, good for you. However, it didn't concern me. No need to start insulting me.

If you have any problems with me, please tell me. You seem to have something against me, for reason I can probably guess.

Personally, I have nothing against you. I think most of the times you make good decisions, you are useful(for example you helped me with my +3, which I am very thankful for), and I suppose when it all boils down you're a nice guy. So if you ask me, we're all good. If you want that to be mutual, you need only say so. Just remember that in order for that to be true, you also need to cut this treatment where you often single me out(which I think is not a very nice thing to do, I am a person too - treat me like one). One example, like just now, "Wannabe justice guy". It's just pure ridicule.

I'm only a carebear when it comes to stuff that benefits or detriments the community as well as fair treatment of others. Believe it or not I actually view these things seriously as I am pretty fond of this particular community.
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #100 on: October 14, 2012, 11:58:02 pm »
You should of been more clever.

However I agree everyone else should of been banned as well.

That is why I only gave you an hours ban.

Keep the chat clean man!  Love you!

I think that's a bad call only banning one guy, amongst a large group. Ban group or none.
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #101 on: October 15, 2012, 12:18:43 am »
I think that's a bad call only banning one guy, amongst a large group. Ban group or none.

I guess your way of admining is different than mine.  Agree to disagree I guess?
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #102 on: October 15, 2012, 01:19:03 am »
I guess your way of admining is different than mine.  Agree to disagree I guess?

A warning, or kick would have been sufficient. It gets the point across.

In addition, the word "my old friend" and variations, thus far has been gray territory in terms of bans. You just made a statement that it is ban worthy with that and thus other admins have the "legal precedent" for other such actions.
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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #103 on: October 15, 2012, 03:02:47 am »
Quote from: Eyebeat
Everyone stopped after he got banned.  Sometimes an example has to be made.

actually no, there was about 3 or 4 pages of people saying my old friend after that, you did nothing.  you did nothing because you made a bad call in the first place

then you conveniently lock the thread to prevent people discussing your said bad call

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Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« Reply #104 on: October 15, 2012, 08:29:36 am »
A warning, or kick would have been sufficient. It gets the point across.

I did warn hence why I did the two hour temp ban.

You were not banned.  Please tell my why you are so upset?    :o

actually no, there was about 3 or 4 pages of people saying my old friend after that, you did nothing.  you did nothing because you made a bad call in the first place

then you conveniently lock the thread to prevent people discussing your said bad call

I thought it was a great call.  Then again maybe that is why you and anders aren't admins...   :D
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