ITT: good archers doing better than usual, bad archers sucking.
Working as expected.
I can see why you might think that, and maybe for foot archers it's true. With how bad accuracy for HA since last patch (or before) when it took a hit, plus the recent damage reduction, shit is rough. I like the thinking behind this patches changes, but I doubt HAs were factored into the equation. How many successful HAs do you see on NA? 2? It's such an under represented class because it's hard to play well, even more nerfs certainly aren't going to help. And the biggest problem is that no one really cares at all about how HAs get balanced, because people find it an "annoying" class to contend against, and therefore lobby against it, or just flat out disregard it.
I'm not asking that the ranged damage reduction be reverted, that's not realistic, and it's in many ways a good change. However, the % reduction in damage you receive when shooting off horseback could be addressed. Maybe reduce the penalty by half or 2/3rds, or completely if you're feeling extra saucy