Huntsman pulled out and is now supporting Mitt Romney, so people who supported him look quite foolish now.
Anyone who think Romney will save businesses and create jobs is per definition ignorant, he does what every other major corporation does, buys a company that runs fine, sells/fires everything that isn't melted to the floor, and moves it to China (or where ever in that Region it is cheapest). China produces most of what we use, from all peoples precious iPhones, to consoles and what not. They do that in factory complexes that are basically HELL, the suicide rate is tremendously high among factory workers in China plus their will to live is at an all time lowest, it is so horrible there that corporations are spending money trying to prevent the suicides, but not in a 'good way' by for example increasing the work environment and atmosphere so everyone can have a better life and work, no, they do it by just making sure the workers can't kill themselves, e.g. forcefully. That's the Western future for most common folk (unskilled workers) if people don't wake up, because there's not enough jobs in the technology sector to pick up the slack from every other field.
I bet 99.9% of the people here supporting Mitt or other candidates than Ron Paul have never traveled the World, probably haven't even dared to set a foot in the Middle East because it is oh so dangerous, too many "bubble children" in this World.
The World isn't dangerous, people are people everywhere (except those New Guinea cannibals
Images you would never see on MSM from Iran.There's lots more from ACTUAL Iran people should see for themselves since it is nowhere near the depiction given in the general media. I'm not saying their government and elements within it isn't dangerous, yes they are, but it is not like governments or lobbyists are idiots in any way, money controls which means some of the best minds are always bought. You can make an intelligent and profound argument for any subject if you withhold exact information and that is basically what is being done in general.
The Vietnam war effectively ended the way journalists could report from the field, because when people saw the actual images of war, what war really is, the general public will never support it, as seen with the Vietnam war. Therefore, ever since, all footage from wars have been approved already by the military, plus as everyone should have noticed, there is never a journalist actually within the population in a war, they're always with OUR soldiers now. The few times that journalists have actually tried to stay with the civilian population in a war situation to report the truth they've been deliberately targeted.
Thank god we have the Internet and cellphone cameras today or we would be completely screwed.
Watch the documentary
ENEMY IMAGE ( - available online
When Baghdad exploded under bombs, television chose to bring us fireworks. But does this distant and spectacular image tell us what is really happening on the ground, how it feels or what it means? Television has the means to take us anywhere and show us anything. It can bring us the physical experience of war with all its horrors, like no other medium, and yet the image of American war on television is disembodied, bloodless, and unreal. The invasion of Iraq was the most closely documented war ever fought. Lasting only 800 hours, it produced 20,000 hours of video, but those images were tightly controlled, producing a monolithic view of combat sanitized and controlled by the Pentagon.
Enemy Image traces the ways us television has covered war, starting with Vietnam in the 1960s and shows how the military has devised ever-improving means of ensuring the American public never again has the real face of combat beamed directly into their living rooms. Comparing footage of Vietnam, including rarely-seen material shot in North Vietnam, to coverage of Iraq and using extensive interviews with veteran war correspondents and news anchors, Mark Daniels demonstrates how television that once revealed the truth is now increasingly used to hide it.
What's dangerous is corporations and governments not respecting the constitutions of their countries - which basically means EVERY single country in the World today.