Author Topic: Did they change the 2h right swing?  (Read 23314 times)

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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #270 on: January 09, 2012, 01:19:11 pm »
2h is dead.

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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #271 on: January 09, 2012, 01:20:30 pm »
I usually use stab/overhead only type of weapons, but having played on my 2h alt and grabbed the long bardiche on my polearm main, I don't see the big fuzz really.
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #272 on: January 09, 2012, 01:35:51 pm »
How to counter weapon stun? Its called "chambering".

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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #273 on: January 09, 2012, 01:42:35 pm »
I usually use stab/overhead only type of weapons, but having played on my 2h alt and grabbed the long bardiche on my polearm main, I don't see the big fuzz really.

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Re: Why the rightswing 2h/pole animation nerf should be reverted
« Reply #274 on: January 09, 2012, 01:47:28 pm »
Although my blocking skills aren't very good, in that particular case, the combination of stun + hiltslash or soap tornado footwork (or both) made it straight impossible. In a regular situation, a stun leaves you able to block the next swing. But in this case (hiltslash after stun), this didn't hold true. About the hit through blocks, it wasn't due to a wrong block or not anticipating enough due to the shield speed. I holded my block (and I emphazise on that part) and kept on facing him. Nevertheless, when the angle was a little more than 15° bam, my shield didn't do anything (although being clearly in the way but meh, fail forcefield nerf). It doesn't seem to work like that for 2h and 1h swings.

Polearm axes do seem to have weird hitboxes.
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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #275 on: January 09, 2012, 06:42:29 pm »
Dezi i have tryed glaive on a polearm alt, and i dont find the left swing as bad as u say, i find it rather usefull. I do agree that it is short, but i do not find it slow at all. But other than that i do agree with most of ur points.

It saddens me to see 2h dieing out slowly atm. If the devs find hiltslashing a problem, then im fine with it being removed. But that it had to effect polearms and 2hs like this sucks ass. It is sad to see players, which normally loved the 2hs, leaving it and goin to polearm/1h. But it is easy to understand them, the only good reason to stay 2h atm, is because u love it.

It does also annoy me to see how 1h is untouched nearly, its on the edge of being too strong compared to polearm/2h, in my opinion. The animations on the left swing and the upper has got ridicolous speeds.
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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #276 on: January 09, 2012, 07:04:18 pm »
I've been on the duel server for a while today. A lot of 1h and they all leftslashspam. Right strafe with leftslash while facing a little to the right of me make them hit me in the first milliseconds and its spammable. Awful. 1h could use a slowdown one the left swing. We lost our ability to hiltslash (well, atleast I did, but never was great at it). Which was hard to do and only a handful could confidently do it in battle. 1H is still left with the leftslashspam, which every moron can pull off. The 1H leftslash is not only superfast, it also hits like a truck due to automatic headhitting and its great for feinting.

The only thing I as a polearmer have left against that is backpedal stab spam, please dont force me to be one of those.

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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #277 on: January 09, 2012, 07:14:43 pm »

It does also annoy me to see how 1h is untouched nearly, its on the edge of being too strong compared to polearm/2h, in my opinion. The animations on the left swing and the upper has got ridicolous speeds.

I don't really want to start an agrument here, but i believe that 1h didn't get touched because only a small number of  players can do good with them. Overall even considering the decent speed of 1h , polearms and 2h are still easier to get used to for duels , or just wrack up some kills on public servers. Edge of being too strong ? I hardly think so.

But then again, let's just slow down everything that even looks too fast, why not. Barely anyone uses 1h for duels in native (thanks to 2h thrust chamber being nearly unblockable mostly), let's take away their only advantage compared to other weapons in cRPG .
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 07:17:10 pm by Ujin »

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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #278 on: January 09, 2012, 07:15:01 pm »
That's why I suggested the increase of the "blocked" duration for all left-to-right swings(1h/2h/pole) instead of the increased ready duration for right-to-left we have now for 2h and pole only.

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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #279 on: January 09, 2012, 07:26:42 pm »
It does also annoy me to see how 1h is untouched nearly, its on the edge of being too strong compared to polearm/2h, in my opinion. The animations on the left swing and the upper has got ridicolous speeds.

Couldn't agree more.

1h is really under the radar for some reason, but it's too powerful for it's speed, animations, and defensive capabilities.

Yes, 2h can duel better, but cannot autoblock a certain radius, and deflect projectiles.
1h can do this, while having about the same damage, faster speed, and more headhits thanks to their reach/animations.

If you think that "low" reach is a disadvantage of 1h, you are very, very wrong. It's an excellent advantage, if you can use it.
(The angle "bouncing" and terrain collision was a beautiful onehander ninja buff for an example.)

1h shielders can kill people with ease with the left slash spam only, let alone abusing the damned spammitar for an example.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 07:31:18 pm by Christo »
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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #280 on: January 09, 2012, 07:28:43 pm »
But then again, let's just slow down everything that even looks too fast, why not.
Thats what happened with 2h ?

but i believe that 1h didn't get touched because only a small number of  players can do good with them.
What? I havent rly played 1h much on a char dedicated on 1h, havent even played 1h much in general. I usually just pick up a 1h on my 2h. And i do not rly have any problems killing people with 1 wpf with a 1h. I usually end up killing the guys which i took the mw 1h from.

Anyway opinions. I do see why u wouldent want to start an argument. Since it will in these kind of cases, just continue on without getting anywhere. Just really wanted to say my last opinions regarding this.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 07:32:06 pm by _GTX_ »
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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #281 on: January 09, 2012, 07:37:11 pm »
I've been on the duel server for a while today. A lot of 1h and they all leftslashspam. Right strafe with leftslash while facing a little to the right of me make them hit me in the first milliseconds and its spammable. Awful. 1h could use a slowdown one the left swing. We lost our ability to hiltslash (well, atleast I did, but never was great at it). Which was hard to do and only a handful could confidently do it in battle. 1H is still left with the leftslashspam, which every moron can pull off. The 1H leftslash is not only superfast, it also hits like a truck due to automatic headhitting and its great for feinting.

The only thing I as a polearmer have left against that is backpedal stab spam, please dont force me to be one of those.
I don't get it, i was on duel server with my 2her, which is a 23/15 build right now at lvl30 and i was SPAMMING 1hers and such with my right swing. I think i actually pulled off a few hiltslashes, which i really don't know how to do.

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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #282 on: January 09, 2012, 07:43:54 pm »
Polearms can stagger people and you can win duels against worse people by just backpedalling and pressing S key. You can also stun most 1h with most 2h and polearms. The amount of hits it took me to kill a STR 2h (Hearst for example) with 8 ps and a ms knightly arming was around 7-9, it took him 2, 3 max .
My 1h gets stuck in teammates (or their shields) on the side/behind me in clusterfucks so often that sometimes i think that i'd be better off with a polearm holding overhead or a 2h thrust/overhead.

Now don't get me wrong, 1h are a really good option and they can still do great damage , especially when hits land on opponents heads.
Oh and i can kill people in duels if i pick a polearm or a 2h too, but you won't see me asking to nerf them on the forum.

Hitslashing was a trick that wasn't as easy to perform in native, it got popular in cRPG, yet i never had much problems with it (of course i got killed by it too sometimes) or never asked for a nerf. All you have to do against the "uberfastleftswingofdoom" of 1handers is to block right. It can't stun you, hitslash you,polestagger you,go around your block or crushthrough it.

I'm not a big fan of this nerfing fest lately to be honest (including the slower swing speed for 2h+poles), same for the "so now that my class is nerfed, i want others to be nerfed too" attitude. I especially don't like the tendency to slow down the speed of the battle, doesn't matter what weapon class we talk about. The only thing i didn't like in terms of balance (apart from certain weapons like the mace) was the polestagger.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 08:20:26 pm by Ujin »

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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #283 on: January 09, 2012, 07:49:57 pm »
I never defended the stupid polestagger.

I'd love to get it in control, so people would bugger off from my weapon of choice yelling: "NARF POLLARMSLUL OP" that I'm being loyal for almost one and a half year now.. Even when other weapon styles dominated it.

But if it gets in control or removed or something, some compensation would be really handy.

Why? You might say. Well let's say you are 2h. Your precious "lol" stab would turn into a halfsword stab for every weapon, but with the same damage. Wouldn't you like it to be increased?
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Re: Did they change the 2h right swing?
« Reply #284 on: January 09, 2012, 08:01:27 pm »
All you have to do against the "uberfastleftswingofdoom" of 1handers is to block right. It can't stun you, hitslash you,polestagger you,go around your block or crushthrough it.
Well you have to be quick about that block, cause the hit is lightning fast, and when you think you've blocked it, there comes another one. It can't hiltslash you, but it can double leftslash you, pretty much same effect.

You can also stun most 1h with most 2h and polearms.
The time I need to hold an attack to stun a 1h is enough for the 1h to get another leftslash hit in. 1h attacks should be really evened out, same goes for all classes, but the 1h leftslash in itself is overpowered, sure the other attacks are weaker, but who needs it when 1 attack suffices for almost all situations.

The amount of hits it took me to kill a STR 2h (Hearst for example) with 8 ps and a ms knightly arming was around 7-9, it took him 2, 3 max .
That goes for all classes, I usually needed 5 hits or more with 7 ps and MW Danish.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 08:03:15 pm by SgtTeeh »