I will add the OPest feint possible :
swing right (or left), cancel at the point where it should touch your opponent (or really close to the point), and swing left (or right).
Your opponent will think your attack was blocked or bounced off, then you can hit him. Really good timing needed and only when your opponent is on the defensive (like every feinting pattern).
You mean the most common and easiest to block feint... >.>
Here are some feint combinations you might want to try, from Hasek's dueling guide on the Taleworlds forums:
"Notation: O = Overhead swing
L = Left-to-right swing
R = Right-to-left swing
T = Thrust
[X]f = An attack in direction X that is Feinted
DF = Deep Feint
{X1, X2 ... Xn} vs. {Y1, Y2 ... Yn} = X is the set of attacks you perform. Your opponent performs the set of attacks Y.
Disclaimer: Duels are obviously very fluid and situational, the following series of attacks are those that I have found to be the most effective in my personal dueling experience.
Of - L or Of - R : I refer to this simple attack as "The Akmar". It is an excellent attack because it forces an opponent to quickly upblock and then leftblock. The common result is an accidental downblock because the upblock naturally puts the manual blocker's mouse out of its natural position.
Lf - Rf - T : This series causes your opponents hand to begin a natural left-to-right movement and makes a sudden downblock difficult to execute.
DF - T - T : A deadly combination attack - Thrusts are some of the hardest attacks to parry and disguising them with a Deep Feint makes them extremely effective and allows you to finish a duel very quickly.
Tf - Tf - R : This series attempts to commit your opponent to a downblock or leftblock, remember to turn into the attack and move to the right of the opposing duelist to bait your opponent into turning his parry away from your attack.
L, R , or O vs. T : Never perform a standard attack while your opponent has a thrust chambered. The thrust is extremely fast and long ranged. It is also very difficult to reactively block thrusts, and you will not be able to transition in time from any other swing to a downblock in time to prevent your untimely impaling. Advanced duelists know how to acticipate thrusts and know that they need to worry most about thrusting attacks during the opening of a duel.
T - T : Simple and effective, but requires some footwork and opportunism to guarantee success. A duelist circling his opponent thrusts a true attack and scores a non-killing blow. The duelist, rather than fading back after the thrust, rushes his opponent to gain positioning and immediately thrusts again. Performed correctly, this attack is almost a guaranteed kill because of the speed inherent to the thrust."