Nero really wasnt that bad. And he commited suicide, atleast thats what I remember. The burning of Rome is just a rumor by christians, cause he burned them alive. He did do alot of good things you know, like made theaters, helped the common folk etc
Nero cant be called a scum, cause there isnt any hard evidence if he was really good or bad. The Senate wanted him we all know powerstruggles where quite the common thing during those times. Its said that the people considered him good, but the nobles hated him........Mybe the Senate just made crap up about Nero so they could would have some reason to get rid of him......
lol you could use some real reading from true historians rather than history book nerd editors, seriously.
1. As Kuoin said, he died from food poisoning. The Senators made sure that that happened, although as Tiber said there is no absolute evidence that happened.
2. He caused the fire in Rome, in the famous persecutions against Christians and Jews. Nero hated specially Christians, he saw them as a plague. Also, check some of Papinio Estacio's Silvas. He clearly mentions the reconstruction of the Bassilica Julia by Domitian in the 90s d.C that was burnt in the terrible fire in Rome. Also to make those buildings like the Domus Aurea etc, yep Kuoin seems to know most of what trully happened.
3. "Nero cant be called a scum" Nero has been considered since the famous fire in Rome, the first true dictator criminal, like Stalin or einstein in Contemporanean Ages. If by killing his own people, causing fires all over his city, and ordering the executions of random Senators due to a terrible paranoia, without giving no shit about the true state of the empire, in danger by the attack of the "Catos" and later to come Decébalo (dunno english name) he cant be called a scum and a criminal, then I guess he was a hero yeah.
4. " but the nobles hated him" | "powerstruggles where quite the common thing during those times". Somewhat true, yet the Senate had absolutely no power in the Emperor Times of Rome. The Senate was something like a King is today in Spain, or in Austria. The Senate had to sign what the Emperor did, but they would never refuse to do so, until Caligula, when they emitted a damnatio memmoriae (think it's spelt). Nobles, more appropiately called "patricians" actually did not hate him as you said, they tried to keep on his good side. Hate was useless, when you knew you could be sentenced to crucifixion at any time. The Senate want him dead, but remained in silence, acting from the shadows. That's when the poisoning came in.
You know poison is quite funny. I remember Trajanus when he was legatus, Domitian would sent poisoned food to him, and Trajanus would know by the slaves looking at him anxiously when he was about to eat. The legend says Trajanus ate with the legionaries shifting the tent each day, so if Domitian wanted him dead he'd had to poison 2 entire legions.
![Cool 8-)](
5. The Senate emmitted a damnation memmoriae to Nero so I guess he was hated after all by everyone, since a damnatio must be approved by all the "castras" or ancient families of Rome, like the Emilia, Julia, Claudia etc.
Tiber I think your knowledge of Rome is good, but you really need to expand beyond documents printed for mere pedagogic reasons.