Author Topic: strat 3.0  (Read 9734 times)

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #30 on: December 21, 2011, 01:37:18 pm »
Leiknir, you got lucky. If you had lost it would take you weeks to get back on your feet again.
I have been micromanaging the shit out of HRE since two weeks after the start of srategus and before I realised everyone was against us :) it was fun.
I would like you to try banditry in a more active region of the map Leiknir and see how you will be reattacked after the cooldown by an army waiting next to you.
Wataga tried it and were very quickly taken care of.

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2011, 01:43:32 pm »
Wataga tried it and were very quickly taken care of.

Bloody Wataga...they were annoying early game but got swatted like flies after a few weeks.

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2011, 03:41:46 pm »
Leiknir, you got lucky. If you had lost it would take you weeks to get back on your feet again.
I have been micromanaging the shit out of HRE since two weeks after the start of srategus and before I realised everyone was against us :) it was fun.
I would like you to try banditry in a more active region of the map Leiknir and see how you will be reattacked after the cooldown by an army waiting next to you.
Wataga tried it and were very quickly taken care of.

As I recall we where in the same region as Wataga, we even had a small turf war with them in the beginning. It's called being smart and picking your targets, they didn't, we did.

Of course that one bugged battle with the disconnects was a totaly unfair battle, that we most likely never would have won in any way. But that still doesn't change Leiknirs, or my, view of this Strat. All four of us had great amounts of fun being bandits, growing slowly larger and larger. Not because of the Fenada deal, that was planned as going out with a glorious bang when we retired from strat. We had fun because we actually did something, just four of us, we planned, we plotted, we had some awesome small battles and we got out with alot of cRPG gold when we came from nothing.

Like Leiknir said. Take some chances, go out there and try to do something fun. Don't sit around and wait for the devs to force you to have to fight, especially as a small faction its quite possible to do some damage and have a good time.

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2011, 03:48:18 pm »
Of course I got lucky with that attack on Fenada. The battle was at 14:00 my time, that's shortly after the time I usualy am able to come online on weekdays, one would have thought that people would set their night time to slots where they can't attend. But I like how taking a village with capturing the flags suddendly is a "glitched cheating win", isn't that how you took most of your villages? Just saying, this feature works in both ways. Don't blame this all on me beeing a bad person.
There is always a losing side, that has less fun than the winning side, but you can't deny that the (non-bugged) battles we had were quite decent. But that's what I like about this strat, your faction get's wiped out and loses all fiefs? Go into the woods and launch a guerilla warfare. So many people seem to be mad at UIF claiming all the fiefs, but no one even tries to disrupt them.

What do you think would be a good armor level? I feel it's ok most troops run around in mail or lighter, only few elite troops should get armor in the banded range. Strategus should not be a tincan fest and the lesser known weapons should be used for once, too, though a bit better items than what we currently use would be nice. Your equipment was not that bad, you had military scythes, horn bows, pikes and other good midlevel stuff, too. But fuck normal sythes, they got a way too good cost-value ratio.

Lepintoi, we used a system of 1 mothership doing the raids, and 3 interceptors standing by to guarantee a safe retreat. We avoided attacking clans that had their fiefs around the corner, but we sat on one of the main North/South and West/East trade routes and had enough targets. We never got catched off hand.

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2011, 03:57:45 pm »
Speaking of "night time"...

I had a 'revolutionary' idea about this...

You know how we can choose 8 hours of night time to represent the time we cant play right?

Well for the majority of adult human beings the time you CANT play tends to be more to the side that MAYBE you have 8 hours TO play as opposed to not play.

For me having a full time job and a bit of a life its extremely hard to choose when my night time should be... I mean seriously the time I can schedule for gaming on a weekday is between 18:30 and 24:00 (being generous). I am either working or sleeping any other time and as such cant play in my own battles.

Would it not be better to have a system where you place your "fighting times" and that is the time you can actually fight? This can also be abused but at least you get to play and fight in your own battles! Additionally perhaps instead of getting 24 hours of down time if the time of the attack is within your fighting time then this would take place on the same day (so for example someone tries to attack me on Monday 13:00 CET and the battle is automatically set for Monday 19:00 CET as opposed to Tuesday 13:00 CET).
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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2011, 04:50:46 pm »
Just because Kesh said it, doesn't make it any less true.

1) I don't think there was anything malicious/intentional behind the one-sided d/c bug that affected our counterattack but it definitely wasn't "fun".
2) I've already given my kudos to Leikner for his successful suicide attack on our fiefs but again, attacking us at 5 am in the morning was not "fun" for our side either.

I have no problems with losing. Heck, some of my most fun moments in strat have been in losing battles (Remember Tebandra!). The problem is that everything Leikner just outlined as him having "fun" came from our side not even having a chance to fight b/c of the time slot and d/c error.

Actually, I should have removed everything except "(not surprisingly cmp had just made changes to the server and was mercing for you along with several other developers who share your developer tag)" :lol:

Didn't you guys attack mercs in 2.0 in the same hours? I think I recall a night when three sieges took place. Or is my memory bad? :rolleyes:
I hope you guys get some sort of sticky balls deseases and smell like my armpits, sorry excusese for nolife fucking cunts you are.

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2011, 05:13:38 pm »
There is always a losing side, that has less fun than the winning side, but you can't deny that the (non-bugged) battles we had were quite decent. But that's what I like about this strat, your faction get's wiped out and loses all fiefs? Go into the woods and launch a guerilla warfare. So many people seem to be mad at UIF claiming all the fiefs, but no one even tries to disrupt them.
As a clan we obviously didn't want to piss of other clans in the beginning by raiding the trade routes. Now that we got wiped off the map we got lucky in finding the one fief that wasn't owned yet and annoy the 22nd. As i recall we were the only ones waging war at the beginning of strategus. (on EU side)

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2011, 05:28:10 pm »
Not because of the Fenada deal, that was planned as going out with a glorious bang when we retired from strat.

If Strat is so wonderful why are you going out with a bang?

Now onto my thoughts

Pros over Strat 2.0
- Terrain implemented.  I still think the really mountainous areas should be proper barriers (like cliffs and rivers) aswell but at least it adds a bit of thought to the game and some planning.
- Slower pace.  A bit too slow but still better than before imo

Cons over strat 2.0
- New game but old allies.  Everytime Strat restarts it just increases the advantage the major alliances have and allows them to refine their opening moves and strategy.
- Too many pointless battles. Whenever you look at the battle list, half the battles involve attacks against less than 5 troops.  A lot of them are against 0 troops and some againmst 0 crates as well.
- Economy is Inverted.  You get money for doing nothing and the more people you have in your faction willing to do nothing, the more powerful your faction is.
- Distance bonus encourages carebears.  The further you go the more money you make and the more land your alliance controls, the further you can safely travel.
- No reason to attack Castles and Towns Once you have control of all the villages in your area you already control the economy so there is no reason other than e-peen to attack a Town or Castle.  Unfortunately, the villages are also the easiest to take and the least fun to defend so this has made the issue even worse.
- NA/EU split encourages non-primetime battles. Before the NA/EU split nighttimes were mainly used to stop your alternate server neighbour from attacking you during their primetime.  Now they are used to avoid primetime battles altogether.
- Arbitrary and inconsistent admin actions. The Fallen were punished for seeing a bug (being able to attack their own fief) and using it to their advanatge.  I don't disagree with the punishment which afterall removed less than what the Fallen actually gained from the exploit and it just rebalanced the upcoming dusturil battle.  However when Leiknir saw the FCC guys being disconnected constantly by a bug, he took advantage and spawn capped them, yet there has been absolutely nothing done or said, that I know of, to reverse this and rebalance Leiknir vs FCC.  I'm not saying Leiknir should be punished as there probably wasn't much else that could be done, but where are the flying carpets and fireballs to remove the extra troops and equipment gained from the battle?  Whether the exploit is deliberate or accidental doesn't matter.  If you rebalance once you have to do it every time.

Simple solution to all these issues
- there is none and no amount of tweaking will help either.  Strat needs an overhaul and if you want inspiration for how to do it then just look at the single player game.  There's plenty of ideas flying around that are doing this and i'll prob add one of my own sometime soon.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 05:34:28 pm by Tomas »

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #38 on: December 21, 2011, 06:17:35 pm »
Didn't you guys attack mercs in 2.0 in the same hours? I think I recall a night when three sieges took place. Or is my memory bad? :rolleyes:

Yes we did, but we realized it takes the fun out of the game.
One of the reasons we came to an agreement to end the war.


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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2011, 06:26:53 pm »
yep omg gold is so hard to come by idk how i will ever outfit my 70 man band of rogues and brigands.  What will i ever do, horses are too expensive omg, who even uses them.  my best armor i have for my guys is steppe armor, oh and i cant even use falchions, i have to use cudgels.

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2011, 06:29:26 pm »
Yes we did, but we realized it takes the fun out of the game.
One of the reasons we came to an agreement to end the war.


^This. Also, as Gristle already mentioned, attacking at off hours is a legitimate tactic but it certainly doesn't foster fun gameplay.

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2011, 07:36:31 pm »

Then we attack you with our 1k army made up of peasant equipment that probably costs way less and you lose.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 07:49:43 pm by BADPLAYER »

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #42 on: December 21, 2011, 07:38:49 pm »
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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #43 on: December 21, 2011, 07:39:54 pm »

- Economy is Inverted.  You get money for doing nothing and the more people you have in your faction willing to do nothing, the more powerful your faction is.
- No reason to attack Castles and Towns Once you have control of all the villages in your area you already control the economy so there is no reason other than e-peen to attack a Town or Castle.  Unfortunately, the villages are also the easiest to take and the least fun to defend so this has made the issue even worse.

This. If Cities or even castles had 100% craft efficiency instead of villages, you would have a whole diff game. Villages should be given another bonus, like selling. Thus way those villages would become infested with robbers, hence giving them a reason to take as a faction and not just focus on cities + they could tax the goods sold there.  In that way: cities=crafting, castles=recruiting, villages=selling.
Or given that there arent that many cities: Cities: recruiting, Castles: crafting, Villages:Selling.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 07:47:13 pm by Harafat »

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Re: strat 3.0
« Reply #44 on: December 21, 2011, 08:00:26 pm »
Yes we did, but we realized it takes the fun out of the game.
One of the reasons we came to an agreement to end the war.


What comes around goes around, sooner or later :P
I hope you guys get some sort of sticky balls deseases and smell like my armpits, sorry excusese for nolife fucking cunts you are.