
Which faith do you adhere to? (these are in no particular order)

Protestant Christian or Catholicism (christ followers)
135 (24%)
Buddhist or Hinduism
11 (2%)
Islam or Judaism
33 (5.9%)
Baha'i faith/ other cultural religion
3 (0.5%)
Non-Religious (atheist/agnostic)
328 (58.3%)
Wiccan, Voodo, or something else like it (magical discipline)
41 (7.3%)
Gnostic or other religious non-theistic discipline
12 (2.1%)

Total Members Voted: 561

Author Topic: What Religion are you?  (Read 39209 times)

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #30 on: February 23, 2011, 03:30:41 am »
Well, I'm Catholic, but I don't go to church on sundays. I don't know a proper prayer.

In my opinion, true faith needs no temple, it's just because of our materialistic views.
Also, fanatics, sheep, fake "believers" are the worst. You have to use your own head too.

I can't tell a proper prayer, but sometimes I go to the graveyard, and kneel before the statue of Christ. And "pray" for my beloved ones, I made an oath there, that I'll protect, and help my best friends, and the folks I respect. Call me an idiot for that, I don't care.

Also the modern Atheist trend is weird too. Why jumping on religion all the freaking time? The times where the Church controlled the world is over anyways, it's just a Formality to still have the Vatican, and the Pope.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 03:34:04 am by Christo »
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2011, 03:50:32 am »
I'm glad to see so many non-religious people here.  Makes me think more of my crpg peers.  When someone tells me they are very religious, all that goes through my head is, "Ok, guess I'm smarter than you..." Humans came up with the idea of a God or gods to explain things we didn't understand, a "god of the gaps".  As science and understanding have spread, religion has naturally retreated.

*Flame shield raised*
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2011, 03:53:05 am »
Gorath We need your help(!!) :3

Btw for your information.. Religion is the biggest hypocritical organization since the dawn of time. They say non-religious people are wrong and bad and that we should pray to the lord almighty for forgiveness (now donate or you go to hell.)? Hah no... Matter of fact 90% of the time it's religion hating on science. It's a defensive mechanism to ward off new thinking, and that new thinking will end their control/power. This is just my honest opinion on the matter. Do not hate because I will probably not look back on this topic. Total waste of time. Like it is stated above, try thinking for yourself and challenge what you hear, not accept it without reason. I beg you! Let the flow of negative points take place.  :(
I'm obviously non-religious.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 04:04:11 am by TheDashingRogue »

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2011, 07:08:42 am »
Btw for your information.. Religion is the biggest hypocritical organization since the dawn of time. They say non-religious people are wrong and bad and that we should pray to the lord almighty for forgiveness (now donate or you go to hell.)? Hah no... Matter of fact 90% of the time it's religion hating on science.

Hmm. Well, hypocrisy isn't really a valid accusation. Do you mean by Religion: All religions that exist, and have ever existed? Its a little difficult to group all the religions under one general category. The definition of a religion is notoriously difficult (and no-where near agreed upon, people are still trying to work out a definition for what is and isn't a religion).
Anyway, hypocrisy: even if a religious person is being hypocritical (not practising what he/she preaches), it doesn't necessarily mean that what they are preaching is wrong. Doctors tell people not to smoke, yet many doctors smoke. This doesn't mean that smoking isn't bad for you.

The perspectives of religious groups and individuals towards science are many and varied. The ones that get media coverage however, are generally those few who condemn science using poorly informed and hateful arguments. You don't generally hear about the vast majority of religious people who agree with scientific theory, or those who believe it has no impact on religious teachings and don't try to contrast the two belief systems, or those who oppose various scientific teachings for valid and well thought out reasons.

When someone tells me they are very religious, all that goes through my head is, "Ok, guess I'm smarter than you..." Humans came up with the idea of a God or gods to explain things we didn't understand, a "god of the gaps".  As science and understanding have spread, religion has naturally retreated.

What goes through my head when I read someone equating religious belief with stupidity is, "Ok, guess you need a better education...".
Especially when they go on to make a claim ('Humans came up with the idea of a God or gods to explain things we didn't understand') that implies that they think they can provide an answer to a question that has remained unanswered for thousands of years, despite the best efforts of some of the greatest thinkers of human history. Its amazing that you can provide such an answer after thinking about the subject for all of 10 minutes.

Perhaps you should write to the various heads of the world religions and share your unique and well thought out insight with them, and they can all go home and stop believing in God(s)? Its marvellous that we finally have the question of religion answered. I see a Nobel prize coming your way!
Did the flame shield work?

Also the modern Atheist trend is weird too. Why jumping on religion all the freaking time?

It isn't a modern trend. You can read about materialist, atheistic movements throughout history and in every culture, and also their (sometimes) inevitable conflict with religious movements.
The reasons for the current perceived conflict between atheists (who like to drag science into the argument, on their side naturally since most atheists are materialists and empiricists) and religious beliefs and teachings are incredibly complex. You would have to go all the way back to Plato or Aristotle to see why we have the atheist/theist conflict now, and probably even further back. And that's just in Western religion and philosophy.

My view of it is that certain atheists became jealous that only religious lunatics could make money from exploiting people by teaching them crap, and wanted to get in on the deal. So now we have atheist lunatics selling ignorance and misinformation and poorly informed dogmatic rubbish, and competing with the old style religious idiots for that market (Dawkins is a good example).
The conflict between theism and atheism (a philosophical debate) is sold to people as a conflict between science and religion, and hyped up to sell books and T.V series, and make certain individuals very wealthy. It isn't just used by cynical, exploitative salesmen though - politicians also like what they can do with the supposed conflict.
In a way its equality though - it isn't just religious salesmen now, its atheist ones too. I suppose they deserve the opportunity to lie to people just as much as some religious people do.
I defended the village and all I got was this stupid title.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2011, 05:23:05 pm »
Meh, I would say I'm a Taoist.  Not the religion which I am convinced it was never intended to be, but the philosophy itself.  A Taoist Fundamentalist if you will.  :mrgreen:

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #35 on: February 23, 2011, 05:26:44 pm »
Non-Religious (atheist,agnostic, former believer)
    59 (63.4%)

I am very impressed, c-rpg.

I also think the options are a bit wonky.  But put me down for Evangelical Historic Pre-Millennial Continuationist 3-point Calvinist (TIP) Christian.

No surprises there  :lol:
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2011, 06:03:25 pm »
Are muslims praying with head to the east in Pakistan too?
Sacrum Romanum Imperium

Yeah, well you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2011, 07:26:45 pm »

What goes through my head when I read someone equating religious belief with stupidity is, "Ok, guess you need a better education...".
Especially when they go on to make a claim ('Humans came up with the idea of a God or gods to explain things we didn't understand') that implies that they think they can provide an answer to a question that has remained unanswered for thousands of years, despite the best efforts of some of the greatest thinkers of human history. Its amazing that you can provide such an answer after thinking about the subject for all of 10 minutes.

Perhaps you should write to the various heads of the world religions and share your unique and well thought out insight with them, and they can all go home and stop believing in God(s)? Its marvellous that we finally have the question of religion answered. I see a Nobel prize coming your way!
Did the flame shield work?

Yep, guess I'm smarter than you... :P
I don't know how you can watch with_stupid, every time i see him play i want to put infants in a blender.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #38 on: February 23, 2011, 07:29:33 pm »
What goes through my head when I read someone equating religious belief with stupidity is, "Ok, guess you need a better education...".
Especially when they go on to make a claim ('Humans came up with the idea of a God or gods to explain things we didn't understand') that implies that they think they can provide an answer to a question that has remained unanswered for thousands of years, despite the best efforts of some of the greatest thinkers of human history. Its amazing that you can provide such an answer after thinking about the subject for all of 10 minutes.

Perhaps you should write to the various heads of the world religions and share your unique and well thought out insight with them, and they can all go home and stop believing in God(s)? Its marvellous that we finally have the question of religion answered. I see a Nobel prize coming your way!
Did the flame shield work?

Yep, guess I'm smarter than you... :P

But just not smart enough to work out how quotes work?

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #39 on: February 23, 2011, 07:35:53 pm »
Seems cRPG is full of heathens lol
On it.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2011, 09:58:17 pm »
Are muslims praying with head to the east in Pakistan too?
most muslims pray towards the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
i'm not a muslim, but thats what some friends told me :D

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #41 on: February 23, 2011, 10:18:47 pm »
When I was very young I asked my mother once "What religion am I?". She looked somewhat stunned and said that I could say Protestant Christian.

i had the exact same experience at a young age. of course i had no idea what being protestant meant... i was just like "oh, ok... so im protestant? whatever that means" unsurprisingly religion had very little influence on me growing up and i went atheist back in grade 9.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #42 on: February 23, 2011, 10:33:20 pm »

Perhaps you should write to the various heads of the world religions and share your unique and well thought out insight with them, and they can all go home and stop believing in God(s)? Its marvellous that we finally have the question of religion answered. I see a Nobel prize coming your way!
Did the flame shield work?

Yep, guess I'm smarter than you... :P

Lol, I wish someone would.  We might all get a bit of peace, for a short while at least.  :P 
It would be nice to have people not blow shit up and kill for the sake of a difference of religious opinion for a change.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #43 on: February 23, 2011, 10:39:55 pm »
A few questions I asked myself/thought about when I was a kid was why religions are so based on geography/culture. So I like asking these questions:

a) Are you of the same religion as most of the other people in your area.
b) Are you of the same religion as your parents.
c) Are you of the same religion that you were raised with as a child.
d) Do you think you would have the same religion as you have right now if you were raised in another part of the world.
e) What is your logical conclusion of the above answers?

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« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 10:44:55 pm by chadz »

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #44 on: February 23, 2011, 10:50:00 pm »
"Topic: What Religion are you?  (Read 666 times)"

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