I know I'm not the first to complain about this, and I'm not posting it to blame someone/something, but its getting pretty ridiculous for me to try to play at 100% efficiency.
Being a no-shield poledude doesnt help, because I need to react pretty fast to attacks if I dont want to die like a newbie; and I dont want to spam like a maniac all day long (I know, I'm hard to content
Thus, I tried to look for ways to buff my FPS: I found some useful tips (like unchecking "load texture on demand", turning off "HDR" and "depth effect", keeping "instancing" and "auto-exposure" effect to still see shit IG; go
http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Mount%26Blade/Configuration if you want some advice) and my FPS is now always around 40/80, with an "estimated performance" of 54% (was around 30% with my default configuration
My ping is always good (around 50/90, cable) and never had to buff it, so I think I'm lucky when I see players like Balton playing with 200+ (and he still find ways to go on a rampage).
Now I am at a loss when I see myself getting slaughtered by unseen weapon animation (or very late animation), cant block anything beside noob chambering (and sometimes it gets through
), and having my own weapon animation warp uncontrollably.
My request to you, ancient and experienced players, is the following : are there ways to counter such things from happening to me all the time, or is it a curse I will have to endure, like so many brothers in arms, for the rest of my playing time?
My thirst for kills is such that I have great difficulty to enjoy this situation.
Thanks in advance,