Congratulations to HRE, won against horrible odds and horrible time slot imposition and won with style. May you use this opportunity well.
man Keshian, you couldn't resist could you ... they didn't win we didn't win. It was a patt by time
but i do agree to some extent to the beer, but we didn't tell our guys before or after the fight that you would have wagons full of bear barrels.
But in the evening when we reached out tents and setup fires to warm our selves we heared the laughter and the drunken songs from the village and it made us sad, because that would have been us.
I don't quite understand the logic why would
a) the attacker loose more then the defence in a patt situation, centuries agos they would have gone to their tents had a laugh and a beer and continued the bloody thing the next day
b) giving it to the defender are you fucking kidding me, when people fight each other in war they are killing each other for many reasons they don't become buddies from one instant to the other
deserting to the void to a small extent or large extent if the fight wouldn't be winable, but hey we kept ticketadvantage till the end.
So conclusion both sides made a good fight, why in the name of the mighty donkey would anyone gain then 95% of what ever is left on one of the opposing sites?