I think archers are overpowered not because of the damage they do but because of their sheer numbers which is ridiculous.
Sure killing plate can take 7-8 arrows but when you have 40 god damn archers in the server that's a plate guy getting showered and trying to dodge the rain pretty much.
You guys have to understand that topping the scoreboard =/= balance, right now I think the damage is fine FOR THE MOST PART (The full PD archers can one hit any of my chars be it light or heavy armor) but the fact that they're just SO MUCH shooting at you it's really difficult.
I don't want to be a shielder for a reason, but with so much archers it's like I'm practically being forced to become a shielder, I play the game to ... you know play the game, not stay in cover for a full round HOPEING the archers are dead before the end so I can get out and maybe kill 1 guy before the end of the round.
I'm ok with an arrow doing 1/4 of my health for the most part, what I'm not ok with is when I CONSTANTLY have 20 arrows aimed right at me, considering 1-4 arrows can kill me depending on the armor I use I'd say that's overkill.