The UIF controls 95% of the EU lands and is taking the last few villages in the next couple of days ![Razz :P](
Mattey i know that repetition is the first tool of propaganda but it so boring, can't you mix in something new from time to time?
oh and their NA vassals are making a good effort at taking the steppes which account for about 1/4 of NA lands.
ah there we go.
In opposite to Fallen which is a mixed EU/NA clan holding NA terretory you must be pleased that now a "pure NA" clan will hold NA terretory. Also i guess out of the hole NA/EU opposition thingy you always want to paint, having HRE in strat1.0 as vassals of Fallen(weren't they then more NA based?), must have been total win out of your perspective at least with your arguments?
p.s. how does FCC selling off a fief they own to another alliance increase FCC control in NA lands? even if you count The Knights of New as being our allies, it still totals up to the exact same amount of fiefs >.>
Well selling it is a smart move, as you guys are pretty much burned in relations with Desert Alliance, you know the whole attacking of an alliance partner, being Fallen's bitches last strat and helping them out this strat, which are atm kind of the enemies of the Desert Alliance, i in your place would sell out too and get my ass as far away as possible.
Actually not really an alliance (plus over half of NA not involved) ...
Interesting you would say that, so not really allied means, you are free to attack those anytime or that you would not help if they got attacked or you just mean that helping with troops/gold/equipment/roster support does not count strictly to what alliance partner would do for each other ... always Kesh succeeds in confusing me.
I guess having a common enemy forces people to work together. Interesting that instead of trying to woo this new alliance who "key word here" bought a fief far from our homeland they just lump them into their list of people opposed to them and almost force them to become enemies.
so who exactly are now all your enemies, you could be there a bit more specific so that people really know against whom you want to fight and others may choose to join you ... or not.