The funniest part is that you say that every time then in:
Strat 1.0 - DRZ secretly fed thousands of troops to 22nd and Nords who invaded Templars and their allies. I was posting saying this was exactly what was happening and you kept calling me a conspiracist until of course you openly admitted it after templars were defeated.
Strat 2.0 - DRZ was getting beat up so Grey Order marches 20,000 man army to HRE lands and said stop picking on DRZ, one of you guys have to back down and stop attacking them (repeatedly in diplomatic talks with various UIF memebers we were told that while not OFFICIAL allies, if DRZ started losing they would come to their help and save them). Grey Order also helped 22nd beat up on OOTL a much smaller clan. Earlier Grey Order and 22nd attacked RuConquista because they ahd talked of attacking their secret allies - Union, Risen, BashiBazouk, Legio Italica. (also called conspiracist by you guys for stating the obvious there about UIF v. 2)
Strat 3.0 - 22nd is being fed thousands of troops to take out a small faction that actually took a fief in their "claimed territory" far faster than they could and now a Union army is marching north from Gisim in support and a Union army took Kulum for DRZ (making it safer for them to stay there) who has been mass producing goods there and shipping to desert with 22nd, Grey Order, Union, and ravens allowing free and unmolested passage throughout strat 3.0. BashiBazouk and Ravens (joined in strat 2.0) march all the way across the map to join 12 other clans neighboring DRZ in attacking a DRZ enemy.
It happens every STrat - boring as fuck and each time more clans join to the point that over 70% of the player base is in one stupid coalition attacking the other 30% who actually play and fight against each other because frankly its boring as fuck to be part of a mega-alliance, but it seems a lot of your clans are very autocratic leadership and don't give a fuck what the everyday players in your clans want as long as you get bragging rights over winning when everyone is in one giant faction doing circle-jerks.