Playing on 2 servers at the same time doesn't serve a purpose is because it will hurt your teammates because you will not be playing in one of the servers at one time or another so your team will have a lower chance of being able to win the round. It is also unfair because you will be getting double the experience and money, where the rest of the C-rpg players, have to use their time, sweat and blood in leveling and earning money for their character. Teamwork is important to do many things and I was not a team player. As said by Jin Kwon "One piece of log creates a small fire, adequate to warm you up, add just a few more pieces to blast an immense bonfire, large enough to warm up your entire circle of friends; needless to say that individuality counts but team work dynamites."in that sense I was an useless piece of drift wood. In conclusion it is not smart or good to play on two servers at once.
(Quote by Jin Kwon)
After this Incident about me being caught doing such a blasphemous action, I have learn to be a law-abiding citizen on the C-rpg server and I am willing to be a role model for the other people who play C-rpg. C-rpg isn't just a game it is a way of life and in life people have accidents and mistakes, like what happened to me, I was peer pressured into dual servering by many bad influences and I don't want anybody to make the same mistake I had made recently.
As John Wooden said "If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes." It is normal for people to make mistakes in life, people learn from those mistakes and become a greater good on society.
(Quote by John Wooden)
In conclusion, I am sorry chadz, I am sorry C-rpg, I am sorry world, and I am sorry my beloved teammates. All in all nobody should be playing on two servers at once.