I really don't understand, I want all Developered to PM me or post about this. People have been complaining about polestun/stagger since the begging of C-rpg History, you guys seriously have some thing with polearms since all i see is buff after buff. Alot of people where complaining during the days of the crush though morning star, that got removed because it is 2h. Alot of people were complaining during the days of the Barmace crushthrough (TBH no one even understood how that works, it was like 3 guys who knew how to use a barmace,but like 90% of those people where guys with 18 str thinking they can rape ppl.), which got nerfed in short period of time, it was a 2h weapon. People was has been saying the bec de corbin is OP for about a year no nerf, polestun no nerf. Cmon guys can you seriously just nerf polearm stun.