This is a rough idea to save archers from getting nerfed constantly without upsetting the melee players.
I thought of two modes for archers,
Primary mode : Fast mode with shorter range deals less damage (1/3) cut mode
Archer draws the bow a lot quicker but it reduces the missile speed and range, it also deals less damage and if the draw is longer than a second, reticule gets wider.
Secondary mode : Slow mode with long range deals total damage (3/3) pierce mode
Archer draws the bow slower but deals the real damage, curved shots are still required archer can hold the draw a lot longer but cannot move
The skill value also effects the secondary mode, any value lower than PD 6 cannot use the secondary mode. Horse archery is excluded from the secondary mode.
I'm doing archery as hobby and the idea came up to me when I was fooling around in the archery range while ago. Fast shooting is called instinctive nocking or shooting.
exaggerated example of fast shooting (I know this is a game)
exaggerated secondary mode exaggerated third mode