I recall last winter me and 2 of my buddies were bored one night, and installed c-rpg as something to do.
Let me just give you a quick summary of things we noticed:
1. There were tons of knights and tin cans (before upkeep). We thought this was awesome even though we died all the time, and felt awesome being expendable peasants. (I'm sure rage goes back and forth on that but we play games with a lack of serious or competitive nature)
2. It felt like Stronghold 1st person, or Lords of the Realm. This was incredible to us, we played in first person and felt like we were actually there, siege or battle. Another anonymous spearman/footman/etc.
3. There was no magic. This was taken for granted at first, but within a few hours we realized it REALLY WAS lacking magic. None, zero, zip, as far as we knew. It honestly reinforced the feeling of an old medieval battle. We had spent years playing rpgs like Dungeon Siege, Arcanum, Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Elder Scrolls, and on and on and on! Were the nerdy types that print out a 3x4 foot map of Faerun and wrap it in a leather case. Yeah, that bad. This was surprisingly different from those.
It really felt like we were some soldier on a medieval battlefield, and cooler than native Warband (which we already thought was insanely awesome.) There are medieval games with magic (a helluva lot), and there are ones without. Realism aside this game feels much cooler without magic. It may not be an individual snowflake, but it definitely isn't your average combination.
I can't say I like the idea of it at all. C-rpg could certainly use more balancing, and it always will like any game ever made. I doubt magic however is going to be a really original or appropriate addition to the feeling it has.
If C-RPG had magic I don't think it would really stand out to me anymore, it'd be just another cookie cutter cutout. Hopefully I haven't bored you all to death, but I like to give a background experience behind my reasoning.